Henry VI
William Shakespeare ; edited with a commentary by Norman Sanders
(Penguin Shakespeare)(Penguin books, . Literature/Drama)
Penguin, 2005-2007
Henry the sixth
pt. 1083:P37:Sh120512018521,
pt. 1932/Sh12/1010010127628, pt. 1932/Sh 12032212010004265, pt. 2932.33-Sh12-210005015267 "This edition first published in Penguin Books 1981"--T.p verso "Introduced by Jane Kingsley-Smith "--Pt. 1 "Introduced by Michael Taylor"--Pt. 2 "Introduced by Gillian Day. The play in performance by Rebecca Brown"--Pt. 3 The chronology of Shakespeare's works: Pt. 3 p. [xvii]-xix Includes bibliographical references pt. 2 ISBN 9780141017105 内容説明 pt. 1 ISBN 9780141017495 内容説明 pt. 3 ISBN 9780141018430 内容説明 「Nielsen BookData」 より
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