The exterminating angel and Los olvidados : two films by Luis Buñuel
(Classic film scripts)
Lorrimer, 1984
L'ange exterminateur
Los olvidados
Two films
English translation and description of action by Nicholas Fry -- T.p. verso
Original French language edition entitled: L'ange exterminateur & Los olvidados -- T.p. verso
"The exterminating angel": Scenario by Luis Buñuel, from the treatment by Luis Alcoriza and Luis Buñuel , "Los Náufragos de la calle de la Providencia" -- p. 16, Credits
Based on the unpublished play by Jose Bergamin -- p. 16, Credits
"Los olvidados": Scenario by Luis Buñuel, Luis Alcoriza and Oscar Dancigers -- p. 113, Credits
Distributed exclusively in the USA ... by Frederick Ungar Publishing, New York -- T.p. verso