Taking as its starting point the elections of 2003 and 2004, Developments in Russian Politics 6 brings together a tightly-edited set of all-new specially-commissioned chapters by leading experts to provide a broad-ranging assessment of Russian Politics under Putin. Clearly and accessibly written it will remain the first-choice text for students and anyone seeking a reliable and up-to-date introduction to politics in the world's largest state.
- Politics in Russia
- R.Sakwa - Putin and the Hegemonic Preisency
- J.P.Willerton - Parliamentary Politics in Russia
- T.F.Remington - The Electoral System
- M.McFaul - The Political Parties
- S.White - A Russian Civil Society?
- A.B.Evans - Media and Political Communication
- S.Oates - In Search of the Rule of Law
- R.Sharlet - Reforming the Federation
- G.Hahn - Politics in the Regions
- D.Slider - Putin's Economic Record
- P.Rutland - Social Policy in Post-Soviet Russia
- J.Twigg - Foreign Policy
- M.Light - The Democratisation of Russia in Comparative Perspective
- Z.Gitelman
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