Some of the world's most prominent development thinkers address the following question in this volume: to what extent are the rules and economic forces that govern the global economy shrinking the 'policy space' that developing countries can draw from in order to construct policies to raise the standards of living of their people? They then analyse the possibly considerable room for manoeuvre that developing countries still have at their disposal despite global macro-economic realities, IMF/World Bank policies, and the trade rules regime of the World Trade Organization. Finally, the authors suggest actual policies that could be put in place in order to preserve existing spaces for development and to expand the tools developing countries can deploy.
1: Globalization and the Nation State: Reasserting Policy Autonomy For Development - Kevin P. Gallagher
2: Development Policies in a World of Globalization - Joseph Stiglitz
3: Rethinking Industrial Strategy: The Role of the State - Sanjaya Lall
4: Toward the Optimum Degree of Openness - Amit Bhaduri
5: What Strategies are Viable for Developing Countries Today? The WTO and the Shrinking of Development Space - Robert Wade
6: Kicking Away the Ladder: "Good Policies" and "Good Institutions" in Historical Perspective - Ha-Joon Chang
7: The TRIPS Agreement and the Transfer of Technology - Carlos Correa
8: Will Investment Rules Shrink Policy Space for Sustainable Development? Evidence from the Electricity Sector - Albert Cho and Navroz Dubash
9: Performance Requirements: Still Available for Development Policy - Nagesh Kumar
10: Neo-liberalism as Opportunity: Constraint and Innovation in Contemporary Development Strategy- Peter Evans
11: Promoting Industry under WTO Law - Alice Amsden
12: Elements for a New Paradigm on Special and Differential Treatment: Special and Differential Treatment, The Multilateral Trading System and Economic Development in the 21st Century - Ajit Singh
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