Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State of the Art Surveys provides survey articles and references of the seminal or state-of-the-art research on MCDA. The material covered ranges from the foundations of MCDA, over various MCDA methodologies (outranking methods, multiattribute utility and value theories, non-classical approaches) to multiobjective mathematical programming, MCDA applications, and software. This vast amount of material is organized in 8 parts, with a total of 25 chapters. More than 2000 references are listed.
Paradigms and Challenges.- Preference Modelling.- Conjoint Measurement Tools for MCDM.- Electre Methods.- Promethee Methods.- Other Outranking Approaches.- Maut - Multiattribute Utility Theory.- UTA Methods.- The Analytic Hierarchy and Analytic Network Processes for the Measurement of Intangible Criteria and for Decision-Making.- On the Mathematical Foundation of MACBETH.- Dealing with Uncertainties in MCDA.- Choice, Ranking and Sorting in Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Aid.- Decision Rule Approach.- Fuzzy Measures and Integrals in MCDA.- Verbal Decision Analysis.- Interactive Methods.- Mutiobjective Programming.- Multiple Objective Linear Programming with Fuzzy Coefficients.- MCDM Location Problems.- Multicriteria Decision Aid/Analysis in Finance.- MCDA and Energy Planning.- Multicriteria Analysis in Telecommunication Network Planning and Design - Problems and Issues.- Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis and Sustainable Development.- Multiple Criteria Decision Support Software.
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