The period since the end of the Cold War has been characterised by an acceleration in the European integration process, a changing pattern of political ideologies and the emergence of new political parties and issues. This book assesses the impact of these phenomena on Christian Democratic parties in the current and future member states of the European Union and highlights some of the particularities and universalities of European Christian Democracy from a comparative and transnational perspective. Political scientists and historians from various universities examine the way in which Christian Democratic parties have responded to these challenges (for instance by a rapprochement with non-Christian Democrats) and explain how those responses have resulted in failure in some cases and success in others.
European Christian Democracy in the 1990s. Towards a Framework for Analysis
Emmanuel Gerard & Steven Van Hecke
The Consociational Construction of Christian Democracy
Paolo Alberti & Robert Leonardi
Christian Democratic Parties and Europeanisation
Steven Van Hecke
Two Crises, Two Consolidations? Christian Democracy in Germany
Frank Bösch
Rejuvenation of an 'Old Party'? Christian Democracy in Austria
Franz Fallend
From Dominance to Doom? Christian Democracy in Italy
Robert Leonardi & Paolo Alberti
Living Apart together. Christian Democracy in Belgium
Wouter Beke
Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained? Christian Democracy in the Netherlands
Paul Lucardie
At the Centre of the State. Christian Democracy in Luxembourg
Philippe Poirier
The impossible Resurrection. Christian Democracy in France
Alexis Massart
Life at the Northern Margin.Christian Democracy in Scandinavia
John T.S. Madeley
Who learns from Whom? The failure of Spanish Christian Democracy and the Success of the People's Party
Peter Matuschek
A Decade of Seized Opportunities. Chrisitan Democracy in the European Union
Steven Van Hecke
Quo Venis et Quo Vadis? Christian Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe
Ausra Aleliunaite
European Christian Democracy in the 1990s. toward a Comparative Approach
Emmanuel Gerard & Steven Van Hecke
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