Extremely popular, this student-friendly text presents the practical areas of statistics in terms of their relevance to medicine and the life sciences. It includes many illustrative examples and challenging problems that reinforce the author's unique and intuitive approach to the subject. The new edition features a new two-color design, examples taken from current biomedical literature, and review questions within each chapter.
Summary of Some Statistical Methods to Test HypothesesLocation of Tables for Tests of SignificancePreface1. Biostatistics and Clinical Practice2. How to Summarize Data3. How to Test for Differences Between Groups4. The Special Case of Two Groups: The t Test5. How to Analyze Rates an Proportions6. What Does "Not Significant" Really Mean?7. Confidence Intervals8. How to Test for Trends9. Experiments When Each Subject Receives More than One Treatment10. Alternatives to Analysis of Variance and the t Test Based on Ranks11. How to Analyze Survival Data12. What Do the Data Really Show?Index
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