The importance of epigenetic regulation of gene expression, particularly in higher organisms, is now clear and the 2004 Cold Spring Harbor Annual Symposium provided many new examples as well as insights into the underlying mechanisms. The resulting volume-with over 60 papers from experts across the field-covers various aspects of nuclear organization and dynamics; genomic imprinting, chromosomal inactivation, and other examples of gene silencing; the histone and DNA modifications associated with these conditions; and the roles of RNA and protein regulators in establishing and maintaining these states.
- Symposium Participants Foreword Epigenetic Reprogramming and Genomic Imprinting Mechanism of Mouse Germ Cell Specification: A Genetic Program Regulating Epigenetic Reprogramming M.A. Surani, K. Ancelin, P. Hajkova, U.C. Lange, B. Payer, P. Western, and M. Saitou Epigenetic Mechanisms in Early Mammalian Development D. Solter, T. Hiiragi, A.V. Evsikov, J. Moyer, W.N. de Vries, A.E. Peaston, and B.B. Knowles Nuclear Cloning, Epigenetic Reprogramming, and Cellular Differentiation R. Jaenisch, K. Hochedlinger, R. Blelloch, Y. Yamada, K. Baldwin, and K. Eggan Chromosome Loops, Insulators, and Histone Methylation: New Insights into Regulation of Imprinting in Clusters W. Reik, A. Murrell, A. Lewis, K. Mitsuya, D. Umlauf, W. Dean, M. Higgins, and R. Feil Genomic Imprinting: Antagonistic Mechanisms in the Germ Line and Early Embryo A.M. Fedoriw, N.I. Engel, and M.S. Bartolomei Drosophila Su(Hw) Regulates an Evolutionarily Conserved Silencer from the Mouse H19 Imprinting Control Region S. Schoenfelder and R. Paro The Air Noncoding RNA: An Imprinted cis-silencing Transcript G. Braidotti, T. Baubec, F. Pauler, C. Seidl, O. Smrzka, S. Stricker, I. Yotova, and D.P. Barlow The (Dual) Origin of Epigenetics D. Haig Chromosome Inactivation Sex and X-Chromosome-wide Repression in Caenorhabditis elegans B.J. Meyer, P. McDonel, G. Csankovszki, and E. Ralston Targeting Dosage Compensation to the X Chromosome of Drosophila Males H. Oh, X. Bai, Y. Park, J.R. Bone, and M.I. Kuroda Mammalian X-Chromosome Inactivation: An Epigenetics Paradigm E. Heard, J. Chaumeil, O. Masui, and I. Okamoto A Continuity of X-Chromosome Silence from Gamete to Zygote K.D. Huynh and J.T. Lee DNA Methylation Reading the DNA Methylation Signal A. Bird and D. Macleod Genome Defense and DNA Methylation in Neurospora E.U. Selker Role of De Novo DNA Methyltransferases in Initiation of Genomic Imprinting and X-Chromosome Inactivation M. Kaneda, T. Sado, K. Hata, M. Okano, N. Tsujimoto, E. Li, and H. Sasaki Gene Repression Paradigms in Animal Cells L. Lande-Diner, J. Zhang, T. Hashimshony, A. Goren, I. Keshet, and H. Cedar Control of Development and Transposon Movement by DNA Methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana T. Kakutani, M. Kato, T. Kinoshita, and A. Miura DNA Methylation of the Endogenous PAI Genes in Arabidopsis J. Bender Induced and Natural Epigenetic Variation H. Yi, N.C. Riddle, T.L. Stokes, H.-R. Woo, and E.J. Richards Histone Modification and Nucleosome Structure Linking Covalent Histone Modifications to Epigenetics: The Rigidity and Plasticity of the Marks Y. Wang, J. Wysocka, J.R. Perlin, L. Leonelli, C.D. Allis, and S.A. Coonrod Steps Toward Understanding the Inheritance of Repressive Methyl-Lysine Marks in Histones D. Reinberg, S. Chuikov, P. Farnham, D. Karachentsev, A. Kirmizis, A. Kuzmichev, R. Margueron, K. Nishioka, T.S. Preissner, K. Sarma, C. Abate-Shen, R. Steward, and A. Vaquero Noncovalent Modification of Chromatin: Different Remodeled Products with Different ATPase Domains H.-Y. Fan, G.J. Narlikar, and R.E. Kingston Acetylation of Yeast Histone H4 Lysine 16: A Switch for Protein Interactions in Heterochromatin and Euchromatin C.B. Millar, S.K. Kurdistani, and M. Grunstein Histone Deposition Proteins: Links between the DNA Replication Machinery and Epigenetic Gene Silencing A.A. Franco and P.D. Kaufman Trilogies of Histone Lysine Methylation as Epigenetic Landmarks of the Eukaryotic Genome M. Lachner, R. Sengupta, G. Schotta, and T. Jenuwein Histone H3 Amino-Terminal Tail Phosphorylation and Acetylation: Synergistic or Independent Transcriptional Regulatory Marks? C.J. Fry, M.A. Shogren-Knaak, and C.L. Peterson Structural Characterization of Histone H2A Variants S. Chakravarthy, Y. Bao, V.A. Roberts, D. Tremethick, and K. Luger Chromatin Structure and Dynamics Epigenetics, Histone H3 Variants, and the Inheritance of Chromatin States S. Henikoff, E. McKittrick, and K. Ahmad Chromatin Boundaries and Chromatin Domains G. Felsenfeld, B. Burgess-Beusse, C. Farrell, M. Gaszner, R. Ghirlando, S. Huang, C. Jin, M. Litt, F. Magdinier, V. Mutskov, Y. Nakatani, H. Tagami, A. West, and T. Yusufzai Do Higher-Order Chromatin Structure and Nuclear Reorganization Play a Role in Regulating Hox Gene Expression during Development? W.A. Bickmore, N.L. Mahy, and S. Chambeyron SIR1 and the Origin of Epigenetic States in Saccharomyces cerevisiae L. Pillus and J. Rine Analyzing Heterochromatin Formation Using Chromosome Four of Drosophila melanogaster K.A. Haynes, B.A. Leibovitch, S.H. Rangwala, C. Craig, and S.C.R. Elgin Two Distinct Nucleosome Assembly Pathways: Dependent or Independent of DNA Synthesis Promoted by Histone H3.1 and H3.3 Complexes Y. Nakatani, D. Ray-Gallet, J.-P. Quivy, H. Tagami, and G. Almouzni The Chromatin Accessibility Complex: Chromatin Dynamics through Nucleosome Sliding P.B. Becker Histone H2B Ubiquitylation and Deubiquitylation in Genomic Regulation N.C.T. Emre and S.L. Berger Polycomb and Related Silencing Mechanisms Polycomb Silencing Mechanisms in Drosophila Y.B. Schwartz, T.G. Khan, G.I. Dellino, and V. Pirrotta Mechanism of Polycomb Group Gene Silencing Y. Zhang, R. Cao, L. Wang, and R.S. Jones Emerging Roles of Polycomb Silencing in X-Inactivation and Stem Cell Maintenance I. Muyrers-Chen, I. Hern e1
- ndez-Mu f1
- oz, A.H. Lund, M.E. Valk-Lingbeek, P. van der Stoop, E. Boutsma, B. Tolhuis, S.W.M. Bruggeman, P. Taghavi, E. Verhoeven, D. Hulsman, S. Noback, E. Tanger, H. Theunissen, and M. van Lohuizen Nuclear Organization and Dynamics The Function of Telomere Clustering in Yeast: The Circe Effect S.M. Gasser, F. Hediger, A. Taddei, F.R. Neumann, and M.R. Gartenberg Genetic Instability in Aging Yeast: A Metastable Hyperrecombinational State M.A. McMurray and D.E. Gottschling Restructuring the Genome in Response to Adaptive Challenge: McClintock's Bold Conjecture Revisited R.A. Jorgensen Poetry of b1 Paramutation: cis- and trans-Chromatin Communication V.L. Chandler Heterochromatin and Transposon Silencing RNA Silencing Pathways in Plants A.J. Herr and D.C. Baulcombe Transposons, Tandem Repeats, and the Silencing of Imprinted Genes R. Martienssen, Z. Lippman, B. May, and M. Vaughn Transposon Silencing and Imprint Establishment in Mammalian Germ Cells T.H. Bestor and D. Bourc'his RNA Interference, Heterochromatin, and Centromere Function R.C. Allshire RNA Interference, Transposon Silencing, and Cosuppression in the Caenorhabditis elegans Germ Line: Similarities and Differences V.J.P. Robert, N.L. Vastenhouw, and R.H.A. Plasterk RNA Interference and Related Mechanisms Plant RNA Interference in Vitro C. Matranga and P.D. Zamore A Conserved microRNA Signal Specifies Leaf Polarity M.C.P. Timmermans, M.T. Juarez, and T.L. Phelps-Durr RNA Interference and Epigenetic Control of Heterochromatin Assembly in Fission Yeast H. Cam and S.I.S. Grewal Regulation of Caenorhabditis elegans RNA Interference by the daf-2 Insulin Stress and Longevity Signaling Pathway D. Wang and G. Ruvkun Interrelationship of RNA Interference and Transcriptional Gene Silencing in Drosophila M. Pal-Bhadra, U. Bhadra, and J.A. Birchler Functional Identification of Cancer-relevant Genes through Large-Scale RNA Interference Screens in Mammalian Cells T.R. Brummelkamp, K. Berns, E.M. Hijmans, J. Mullenders, A. Fabius, M. Heimerikx, A. Velds, R.M. Kerkhoven, M. Madiredjo, R. Bernards, and R.L. Beijersbergen Epigenetic Regulation of Phenotypes The New Field of Epigenomics: Implications for Cancer and Other Common Disease Research H.T. Bjornsson, H. Cui, D. Gius, M.D. Fallin, and A.P. Feinberg Epigenetic Regulation in the Control of Flowering J. Mylne, T. Greb, C. Lister, and C. Dean Transposons and Tandem Repeats Are Not Involved in the Control of Genomic Imprinting at the MEDEA Locus in Arabidopsis C. Spillane, C. Baroux, J.-M. Escobar-Restrepo, D.R. Page, S. Laoueille, and U. Grossniklaus Toward Molecular Understanding of Polar Overdominance at the Ovine Callipyge Locus M. Georges, C. Charlier, M. Smit, E. Davis, T. Shay, X. Tordoir, H. Takeda, F. Caiment, and N. Cockett Dscam-mediated Self- versus Non-Self-Recognition by Individual Neurons G. Neves and A. Chess Prions of Yeast Are Genes Made of Protein: Amyloids and Enzymes R.B. Wickner, H.K. Edskes, E.D. Ross, M.M. Pierce, F. Shewmaker, U. Baxa, and A. Brachmann A Possible Epigenetic Mechanism for the Persistence of Memory K. Si, S. Lindquist, and E. Kandel An Epigenetic Hypothesis for Human Brain Laterality, Handedness, and Psychosis Development A.J.S. Klar Summary: Epigenetics-from Phenomenon to Field D. Gottschling Author Index Subject Index
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