Occupying the top spot on most undergraduate reading lists for this period, and widely used by teachers and students on A-level courses on early modern British history, The Stuart Age is the definitive history of England's century of civil war and revolution.This new edition clarifies and makes sense of recent historiographical trends over the last decade. In a substantial new introduction to the volume, Barry Coward provides an important assessment of the impact of new revisionist approaches on historical writing about the Stuart age.
Lists of maps and genealogical tables Introductory note by the original series editor Acknowledgements Preface Preface to the second edition Abbreviations and short titles PART ONE: EARLY STUART ENGLAND, 1603- 1640 Introduction 1. The economy of early Stuart England
The population and the economy
Agriculture and inland trade
Mining and manufacture
Overseas trade and colonization
Conclusion 2. Society in early Stuart England
The 'history of society'
Social groups and standards of living
Intellectual developments and popular beliefs
Conclusion 3. The Elizabethan constitution
The framework of government
Stresses within the Elizabethan constitution PART TWO: THE REIGNS OF THE EARLY STUARTS, 1603-1640 Introduction 4. The survival of the Elizabethan constitution, 1603-1621
James I and the succession
Peace with Spain and the settlement in Ireland
Puritans and Catholics
James's first parliament, 1604-10
Rule without parliament, 1610-21 5. The breakdown of the Elizabethan constitution, 1621-1640
1621-4: 'Court' versus 'country'?
The prerogative 'extended...beyond its just symmetry', 1625-9
The personal rule, 1629-40 PART THREE: THE ENGLISH REVOLUTION, 1640-1660 6. The making of the English Revolution, 1640-1649
The 'causes of the English Revolution'
The constitutional crisis, November 1640-September 1641
The crisis becomes a civil war, September 1641-July 1642
The first civil war, 1642-6
The search for a settlement: king, parliament, the army, and the Scots, 1645-9 7. The failure of revolution, 1649-1660
The search for a 'godly reformation'
The Rump Parliament, 1649-53
Oliver Cromwell
The Barebones Parliament, July-December 1653
Cromwellian government, 1653-8
The end of the Good Old Cause, 1658-60 PART FOUR: THE REIGNS OF CHARLES II AND JAMES II, 1660-1688 Introduction 8. The failure of 'the Restoration Settlement', 1660-1667
The Convention Parliament, 1660: old wounds reopened and old problems unsolved
The Cavalier Parliament and the restored monarchy, 1661-4
The Cavalier Parliament and the restored Church, 1661-4
The second Dutch war and the downfall of Clarendon, 1664-7 9. 'Catholic' or 'Cavalier' policies, 1668-1674 10. Anti-Catholicism and exclusion, 1674-1681
Danby, 1674-8
The Popish Plot
The exclusion crisis, May 1679-March 1681 11. The trend towards absolutism, 1681-1688
The strengthening of royal authority, 1681-5
James II and protestant unity, February 1685-June 1688
The intervention of William of Orange, 1688 PART FIVE: THE REIGNS OF WILLIAM III AND QUEEN ANNE 1689-1714 Introduction 12. The reign of William III, 1689-1702
Politics in the reign of William III
The Glorious Revolution, 1689-90
A country at war, 1690-7
Peace and politics: the collapse of the Junto, 1697-1701
Party issues redefined, 1701-2 13. The reign of Queen Anne, 1702-1714
Politics in the reign of Queen Anne
The failure of the 'managers', 1702-8
The failure of the Whigs and Tories, 1708-14 PART SIX: LATER STUART ENGLAND: CHANGE AND CONTINUITY 14. Change
War and constitutional changes
Religious and intellectual changes
Economic and social changes 15. Continuity: 1714 - the end of the Middle Ages? Bibliographical note Appendix: Timeline Index
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