Paścimabaṅgera ādibāsī lokasāhitya
Amalakumara Dāsa, Śaṃkarānanda Mukhopādhyāẏa
(Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute, Special series ; no. 18)
Taphasilī o Ādibāsī Maṅgala Bibhāga, Sāṃskr̥tika Gabeshṇāgāra, Paścimabaṅga Sarakāra, 1976
Paschim Banger adibasi lokasahitya
In Bengali
Added title on t.p. verso: Paschim Banger adibasi lokasahitya
Tribal folklore of West Bengal
Cultural Research Institute, Scheduled Castes and Tribes Welfare Dept., Govt. of West Bengal