History of the Karma Bka-ʾbrgyud-pa sect : being the text of "Sgrub brgyud Karma Kaṃ tshang brgyud pa rin po cheʾi rnam par thar pa Rab ʾbyams nor bu zla ba chu sel gyi phreṅ ba"
by Si-tu Paṇ-chen Chos-kyi-ʾbyuṅ-gnas and ʾBe-lo Tshe-dbaṅ-kun-khyab
D. Gyaltsan and Kesang Legshay, 1972
Kaṃ tshaṅ Bkaʾ brgyud paʾi chos ʾbyuṅ
In Tibetan; pref. in English
"Reproduced from a print of the Dpal-spungs edition belonging to Nam-mkhaʾ-rdo-rje of Nang-chen"
Title on spine: Kaṃ tshaṅ Bkaʾ brgyud paʾi chos ʾbyuṅ