Nyayavatara : the earliest Jaina work on pure logic
by Siddha Sena Divakara ; with Sanskrit text and commentary edited for the first time with notes English translation by Satis Chandra Vidyabhusana
(The library of Jaina literature, v. 2)
Kumar Devendra Prasada, The Central Publishing House, 1915
न्याय अवतार
न्यायावतारविवृतीः [i.e. न्यायावतारविवृतिः]
न्याय अवतार विवृतीः [i.e. न्याय अवतार विवृतिः]
Sanskrit text with translation into English; introductory matter and annotation in English
"Second edition"--Preface
Summary: Classical work on Jaina logic; includes Nyāyāvatāravivr̥ti of Candraprabha Sūri, 10th/11th cent
Kumar Devendra Prasada, The Central Jaina Pub. House