Āśvalāyana gṛhya sūtra : with the commentaries of Devasvāmin and Nārāyaṇa
edited by Svami Ravi Tirtha
(Adyar Library series, no. 44)
The Adyar Library, 1944-
आश्वलायनगृह्यसूत्रम् : देवस्वामिभाष्योपेतम्
आश्वलायन गृह्य सूत्रम् : देवस्वामिन् भाष्य उपेतम्
In Sanskrit; prefatory matter in English
Summary: Aphoristic manual, with commentaries, for domestic rites and ceremonies according to the Āśvalāyana school in R̥gveda
Contents: v. 1. Adhyāya 1 = प्रथमो ऽध्यायः
Adyar Library and Research Centre , Theosophical Pub. House