Revolution unending : Afghanistan : 1979 to the present
Gilles Dorronsoro ; translated from the French by John King
(The CERI series in comparative politics and international studies / [edited by] Jean-François Bayart and Christophe Jaffrelot)
Hurst & Co., c2005
[Revised and updated ed]
La révolution afghane : des communistes aux tâlebân
: paperback0011015478
名古屋大学 法学 図書室 法アジア資料 : paperback312.34||D73741378804
: paperbackMEAF||32||R215492861
"in association with the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales, Paris" "First published in 2000 as La révolution afghane. Des communistes aux tâlebân by Karthala, Paris"--T.p. verso "This revised and updated edition first published in the United Kingdom by C. Hurst & Co."--T.p. verso Includes bibliographical references and index : casebound ISBN 9781850656838 内容説明 : paperback ISBN 9781850657033 内容説明 「Nielsen BookData」 より [edited by] Jean-François Bayart and Christophe Jaffrelot
C. Hurst , Columbia University Press
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