Environmental Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual is designed to meet the diverse requirements of upper division and graduate-level laboratory sessions in environmental microbiology. The experiments introduce students to the activities of various organisms and the analyses used to study them. The book is organized into three thematic sections: Soil Microbiology, Water Microbiology, and Environmental Biotechnology. The first section includes experiments on the soil as a habitat for microorganisms, and introduces the main types of soil microorganisms, how they interact with the soil, and the techniques used in their analysis. Experiments in the second section cover assays of microbial pathogens--bacteria, viruses, and protozoan parasites--used in food and water quality control as well as an exercise in applied bioremediation of contaminants in water. The final section on biotechnology includes applications of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of bacteria and the use of enrichment cultures and a computer-based, physiological test bank to isolate and identify a bacterium useful in bioremediation. Designed for maximum versatility and ease of use for both the student and instructor, each experiment is self-contained and includes theoretical, practical, and pedagogical material.
Basic Protocols
Experiment 1 - Dilution and Plating of Bacteria and Growth Curves
Experiment 2 - Soil Moisture Content Determination
Examination of Soil Microorganisms via Microscopic and Cultural Assays
Experiment 3 - Contact Slide Assay
Experiment 4 - Filamentous Fungi
Experiment 5 - Bacteria and Actinomycetes
Experiment 6 - Algae: Enumeration by MPN
Microbial Transformations and Response to Contaminants
Experiment 7 - Oxidation of Sulfur in Soil
Experiment 8 - Dehydrogenase Activity of Soils
Experiment 9 - Nitrification and Denitrification
Experiment 10 - Enrichment and Isolation of Bacteria that Degrade 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
Experiment 11 - Adaptation of Soil Bacteria to Metals
Experiment 12 - Biodegradation of Phenol Compounds
Experiment 13 - Assimilable Organic Matter
Experiment 14 - Biochemical Oxygen Demand
Water Microbiology
Experiment 15 - Membrane Filter Technique
Experiment 16 - Bacteriological Examination of Water: the Coliform MPN Test
Experiment 17 - Detection of Bacteriophages
Experiment 18 - Film Medium for the Detection of Coliforms in Water, Food, and on Surfaces
Experiment 19 - Defined Substrate Technology for the Detection of Coliforms and Fecal Coliforms
Advanced Topics
Experiment 20 - Detection of Enteric Viruses in Water
Experiment 21 - Detection of Waterborne Parasites
Experiment 22 - Kinetics of Disinfection
Experiment 23 - Aerobiology: Sampling of Airborne Microorganisms
Experiment 24 - Detection and Identification of Bacteria via PCR and Subsequent BLAST Analysis of Amplified Sequences
Appendix 1: Preparation of Media and Stains for Each Experiment
Appendix 2: Glossary
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