Profiles the history of the Inuit people from the first inhabitants to the present day society. More than 450 dictionary entries cover issues of society, economy, and politics; influential educators and writers, environmentalists, and politicians; and the many voluntary associations and governmental agencies that have played a role in Inuit history. The introductory essay, chronology, and well-developed bibliography make this an ideal reference source for the researcher or student.
1 Editor's Foreword 2 Acknowledgments 3 A Note on Orthography 4 Acronyms and Special Terms 5 Maps 6 Chronology 7 Introduction 8 The Dictionary 9 Appendix A: Dates and Locations of Inuit Circumpolar Conference Meetings 10 Appendix B: Inuit Circumpolar Conference Leaders 11 Appendix C: Website Addresses for Inuit and Arctic Organizations 12 Bibliography 13 About the Author
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