Presents the diverse and complex sets of technology, data, knowledge, ideas, and objectives into an integrated and holistic approach to bioprospecting. * Explores the primacy of natural products for biotechnology, emphasizing the extraordinary resource that microbial diversity presents and how and where that resource, and the exploitable properties that it contains, can be found. * Demonstrates the need for modern microbiologists to have an integrated perspective of science in order to address the big questions in microbiology. * Serves as a reference for instructors and researchers in environmental microbiology, biotechnology, and microbial diversity as well as applied biologists.
This title is published by the American Society for Microbiology Press and distributed by Taylor and Francis in rest of world territories.
Table of Contents
Section 1. Introduction: The Rationale
Biotechnology, The Art of Exploiting Biology, Alan T. Bull
Section 2. Microbial Diversity: The Resource
Preamble, Alan T. Bull
An Overview of Microbial Diversity--Estimating the Scale, Alan T. Bull and James E.M. Stach
Defining Microbial Diversity--The Species Concept for Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Microorganisms, Ramon Rossello-Mora and Peter Kampfer
Speciation and Bacterial Phylospecies, James T. Staley
Approaches to Identification, Fergus G. Priest
Eukaryotic Diversity--A Synoptic View, Laura A. Katz
Section 3. Microbial Ecology: The Key to Discovery
Preamble, Alan T. Bull
How to Look, Where to Look, Alan T. Bull
Culture-Dependent Microbiology, John C. Fry
Culture-Independent Microbiology, Kornelia Smalla
Resuscitation of "Uncultured" Microorganisms, Douglas B. Kell, Galya V. Mukamolova, Christopher L. Finan, Hongjuan Zhao, Royston Goodacre, Arseny S. Kaprelyants, and Michael Young
Soils--The Metagenomic Approach, Jo Handelsman
Deep Biospheres, R. John Parkes and Pete Wellsbury
Earth's Icy Biosphere, John C. Priscu and Brent C. Christner
Extremophiles: pH, Temperature and Salinity, Constantinos E. Vorgias and Garabed Antranikian
Extremophiles: Pressure, Fumiyoshi Abe, Chiaki Kato, and Koki Horikoshi
Life in Extremely Dilute Environments: The Major Role of Oligobacteria, D.K. Button
Anaerobes: The Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria as an Example of Metabolic Diversity, Guy Fauque and Bernard Ollivier
Microbes from Marine Sponges: A Treasure Trove of Biodiversity for Natural Products Discovery, Russell T. Hill
Invertebrates--Insects, John A. Breznak
Microbial Symbioses with Plants, Peter Jeffries
Section 4. Biogeography and Mappy Microbial Diversity
Preamble, Alan T. Bull
Ubiquitous Dispersal of Free-Living Microorganisms, Bland J. Finlay and Genoveva F. Esteban
Microbial Endemism and Biogeography, Brian P. Hedlund and James T. Staley
Mapping Microbial Diversity Case Study: The Yellowstone National Park Microbial Database and Map Server, Daphne L. Stoner, Randy Lee, Luke White, and Ron Rope
Section 5. The Paradigm Shift: Bioinformatics
Preamble, Alan T. Bull
The Paradigm Shift in Microbial Prospecting, Alan T. Bull
Genomics, Karen E. Nelson
Bacterial Proteomics, Philip Cash
Phenomics, Jennifer L. Reed, Stephen S. Fong, and Bernard O. Palsson
Phylogeny and Functionality: Taxonomy as a Roadmao to Genes, Alan C. Ward and Michael Goodfellow
Section 6. Prospecting: The Targets
Preamble, Alan T. Bull
Sectors and Markets, Alan T. Bull
Screening for Bioactivity, Hans-Peter Fiedler
Antimicrobials, William R. Strohl
Pharmacologically Active Agents of Microbial Origin, Stephen K. Wrigley
Bioprospecting for Industrial Enzymes: Importance of Integrated Technology Platforms for Successful Biocatalyst Development, Thomas Schafer and Torben Vedel Borchert
Plant Growth Promoting Agents, James M. Lynch
Biotreatment, Linda Louise Blackall and Christine Yeates
Bioprospecting Novel Antifoulants and Anti-Biofilm Agents from Microbes, Carola Holmstrom, Peter Steinberg, and Staffan Kjelleberg
Section 7. Conservation of Microbial Gene Pools
Preamble, Alan T. Bull
Extinction and the Loss of Evolutionary History, Alan T. Bull
What is the Evidence for the Loss of Microbial Diversity? James Borneman
Section 8. Convention on Biological Diversity: Implications for Microbial Prospecting
Preamble, Alan T. Bull
The Convention on Biological Diversity and Benefit-Sharing, Kerry ten Kate
The Historical Context of Present Bioprospecting--Four Cases, Hanne Svarstad
Biodiversity Prospecting: The INBio Experience, Giselle Tamayo, Lorena Guevara, and Rodrigo Gamez
Contracts for Bioprospecting: The Yellowstone National Park Experience, Holly Doremus
Natural Products Research Partnerships with Multiple Objectives in Global Diversity Hotspots: Nine Years of the ICBG Program, Joshua P. Rosenthal and Flora N. Katz
Section 9. Conclusion
The Value of Biodiversity, David W. Pearce
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