This book will be of particular interest to anyone interested in the application of corpus linguistic techniques to language study and instruction. This volume includes selected papers from the Fourth North American Symposium, held in Indianapolis and hosted by the Indiana Center for Intercultural Communication at Indiana University Purdue University in Indianapolis (IUPUI) in November, 2002. These papers - from authors representing eight countries including the U.S., Belgium, China, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Spain - provide a wide range of views of and approaches to corpus linguistic. Topics range from theory and analysis to classroom application, and include the study of oral discourse as well as the study of written discourse, including internet-based discourse. Consequently, this volume is divided into two sections. The first section focuses on the use of corpus linguistics in the analysis of spoken and written discourse; the second section focuses on the direct pedagogical application of corpus linguistics, reflecting the applied foundation of this branch of linguistics.
Analyzing Spoken and Written Language Corpora
Anne O'KEEFFE: 'Like the Wise Virgins and all that Jazz:' Using a Corpus to Examine Vague Categorisation and Shared Knowledge
Martin WARREN: A Corpus-driven Analysis of the Use of Intonation to Assert Dominance and Control
Winnie CHENG: // FRIENDS // LAdies and GENtlemen //: Some Preliminary Findings from a Corpus of Spoken Public Discourses in Hong Kong
Doublas BIBER, Eniko CSOMAY, James K. JONES and Casey KECK: A Corpus Linguistic Investigation of Vocabulary-based Discourse Units in University Registers
JoAnne NEFF, Francisco BALLESTEROS, Emma DAFOUZ, Francisco MARTINEZ, Juan-Pedro RICA, Mercedes DIEZ and Rosa PRIETO: Formulating Writer Stance: A Contrastive Study of EFL Learner Corpora
Suzana M. SOTILLO and Julie WANG-GEMPP: Using Corpus Linguistics to Investigate Class, Ideology, and Discursive Practices in Online Political Discussions
Pedagogical Applications of Corpora
Sylviane GRANGER: Computer Learner Corpus Research: Current Status and Future Prospects
Boyd DAVIS and Lisa RUSSELL-PINSON: Concordancing and Corpora for K-12 Teachers: Project MORE
Wolfgang TEUBERT: Units of Meaning, Parallel Corpora, and their Implications for Language Teaching
William H. FLETCHER: Making the Web More Useful as a Source for Linguistic Corpora
Mark DAVIES: Student Use of Large Corpora to Investigate Language Change
Eileen FITZPATRICK and M.S. SEEGMILLER: The Montclair Electronic Language Database Project
Joybrato MUKHERJEE: Bridging the Gap between Applied Corpus Linguistics and the Reality of English Language Teaching in Germany
John OSBORNE: Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches to Corpora in Language Teaching
Pieter de HAAN and Kees van ESCH: Towards an Instrument for the Assessment of the Development of Writing Skills
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