"Symposium Transsonicum" was founded by Klaus Oswatitsch four decades ago when there was clearly a need for a systematic treatment of flow problems in the higher speed regime in aeronautics. The first conference in 1962 brought together scientists concerned with fundamental problems involving the sonic flow speed regime. Results of the conference provided an understanding of some basic tran sonic phenomena by proposing mathematical methods that allowed for the de velopment of practical calculations. The "Transonic Controversy" (about shock free flows) was still an open issue after this meeting. In 1975 the second symposium was held, by then there was much understanding in how to avoid shocks in a steady plane flow to be designed, but still very little was known in unsteady phenomena due to a lack of elucidating experiments. A third meeting in 1988 reflected the availability oflarger computers which allowed the numerical analysis of flows with shocks to a reasonable accuracy. Because we are trying to keep Oswatitsch's heritage in science alive especially in Gottingen, we were asked by the aerospace research community to organize another symposium. Much had been achieved already in the knowledge, techno logy and applications in transonics, so IUT AM had to be convinced that a fourth meeting would not just be a reunion of old friends reminiscing some scientific past. The scientific committee greatly supported my efforts to invite scientists ac tively working in transonic problems which still pose substantial difficulties to ae rospace and turbomachinery industry.
- Preface.
1: Inviscid flow models. Steady flows:- New Results for the Normal Shock in Inviscid Flow at a Curved Surface
- J. Zierep. Transonic Solutions for the Mach Reflection of Weak Shocks
- J.K. Hunter, A.M. Tesdall. Interaction of a Shockwave with the Sonic Line
- A.G. Kuz'min. Transonic Wedge / Cone Flow Solutions Using Peturbed Potential and Euler
- D.D. Liu, M. Mignolet. Upstream Propagating Curved Shock in a Steady Transonic Flow
- P. Prasad. Non-Uniqueness in Transonic Flows
- M. Hafez. Unsteady Flows:- Unsteady Transonic Flow past 'Non-Unique' Airfoils
- D.A. Caughey. Forced Oscillation of a Shock-Wave in a Transonic Channel Flow
- R. Bur, P. Berthouze. Nonlinear Aerodynamic Effects on Transonic LCO Amplitude of a Supercritical Airfoil
- L. Tang, et al. On the Influence of Turbulence Modelling on Steady and Unsteady Flows
- D. Schwamborn, K. Weinman. Aeroelastics:- Aeroelastic Sensitivity in the Transonic Regime
- J. Ballman, et al. Numerical Investigation of Transonic Flutter and Modeling of Wind Tunnel Interference Effects
- B.M. Castro, et al. Efficient Transonic Method for Aeroelastic Applications Including Aircraft/Stores
- P.C. Chen, D.D. Liu. A Unified Variational Formulation of Aeroelasticity Problem for Coupled 'Fluid Wing' Vibration System in 3-D Unsteady Transonic Flow
- G.-L. Liu.
2: Viscous Flows. Viscous-inviscid Interaction:- The Different Facets of an Old but Always Present Concern: Shock-Wave/Boundary Layer Interaction
- J.M. Delery. On the Effect of an Area Ruling on Transonic Abrupt Wing Stall
- K.D. Jones, et al. Transonic, Laminar High Reynolds Number Flow in Slender Channels
- A. Kluwick, et al. Viscous-Inviscid Interaction and Boundary-Layer Separation inTransonic Flows
- A.L. Ruban, et al. Boundary-Layer Instabilities in the Transonic Range of Velocities
- O.S. Ryzhov, E.V. Bogdanova-Ryzhova. Perforated Plate Aerodynamics for Passive Shock Control
- J. Zierep, et al. Internal Flows:- Internal Transonic Flows
- R. Dvorak. Transonic Flow past Plane Cascades: Experimental Data Analysis
- P. Safarik, M. Luxa. Numerical Simulation of Transonic Flow in Steam Turbine Cascades: the Role of Numerical Viscosity, Grid Type and Approximation of Boundary Conditions
- J. Dobes, et al. Reynolds-Stress Modelling for Transonic Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interaction
- G.A. Gerolymos, I. Vallet. Experimental Techniques:- ETW - A Facility for High Reynolds Number Testing
- G. Hefer. Gurney Flaps in Transonic Flows
- H. Rosemann, K. Richter. Density Measurement of Large-Scale Transonic Flow Fields
- G.E.A. Meier, B. Stasicki. Transonic Flow Phenomena of the Cold Spray Deposition Process
- M. Rein, et al.
3: Numerical Methods. CFD New Analysis Approaches:- Development of Computational Techniques for Transonic Flows: An Historical Perspective
- D.A. Caughey, A. Jameson. Transonic Aerodynamics Research Retro- and Prospective in Japan
- N. Hirose. Implicit Euler Computations on Adaptive Meshes for Steady and Unsteady Transonic Flows
- F. Bramkamp, J. Ballman. Efficient and Refined Transonic Flow Analysis Using a New Flux Vector Splitting Scheme
- A. Eberle. Numerical Solution of 2-D and 3-D Transonic Flows over an Airfoil and Wing
- J. Fort, et al. Hierarchical Formulations for Transonic Flow Simulations
- M. Hafez, E. Wahba. The Buffer Layer Technique Applied to Transonic Flow Calculations
- J. Rachwalski, et al. Design and Optimization Tools:- Design Applications in the Industry
- P. Li, D. Om.
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