32th International Field Emission Symposium, July 14-19, 1985, Oglebal Park, Wheeling, West Virginie (U.S.A.)
edited by M. K. Miller, S. S.Brenner
(Journal de physique, Tome 47)
Editions de Physique, c1986
32th IFES - Wheeling 1985
32ème Symposium International d'Emission de Champ
Proceedings of 32th International Field Emission Symposium, Wheeling, U.S.A., July 14-19, 1985
"Colloque C2, supplément au n°3"
Sponsored by US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Systems Research energy conservation and Utitlization Technoloqies Program and Basic energy Science Program through a sub-contact with Martin Marietta Energy Systems Inc. monitored by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Editions de Physique