The latest developments in ceramic and glass processing and characterization are covered including solution method and nanocrystalline powders, polymer precursor and sol-gel technology, microwave processing, novel processing methods, functionally graded materials, laminated object manufacturing, thin films and coatings, synthesis and characterization, diamond films, electrophoresis, and processing-microstructure-property relationships. Proceedings of the symposium held at the 105th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, April 27-30, in Nashville, Tennessee; Ceramic Transactions, Volume 154.
Preface ix
Solution Method and Nanocrystalline Powders
Use of Complexed Ammonia Precursors in Synthesizing Layered Nitride Compounds 3
K. Scott Weil and Prashant N. Kumta
Preparation of Nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide Powders by Carbothermal Reduction 15
Zhe Cheng, Michael D. Sacks, Chang-An Wang, and Zhaohui Yang
Preparation of Nanocrystalline Hafnium Carbide Powders by Carbothermal Reduction 27
Chang-An Wang, Michael D. Sacks, and Zhaohui Yang
Preparation of Nanocrystalline Zirconium Carbide Powders by Carbothermal Reduction 37
Anubhav Jain, Michael D. Sacks, and Chang-An Wang
Polymer Precursor and Sol-Gel Technology
Polymer-Derived Ceramic foams with a Zeolitic Surface by Supported Crystallization 49
M. Scheffler, J. Zeschky, A. Zampieri, R. Herrmann, W Schwiegen F. Scheffler, and P Greil
Boron Nitride Fibers from Borylborazine Precursors 61
B.Toury, S. Duperrier, D. Cornu, S. Bernard, F. Chassagneux, S. Parola, and R Miele
Effect of Oxygen Atmosphere on the Morphology of LiTa03 Thin Films Prepared from Polymeric Precursor Method 69
A.H.M. Gonzalez, A.Z. Simoees, M.A. Zaghete, and JAVerela
Characterization of SiC Fiber Derived from Polycarbosilane... 77
Doh Hyung Riu, Young Hee Kim, Dong Geun Shin, and Hyung Rae Kim
Formation of Porous Articles with Ordered Capillary Structure by Alginate Sol-Gel Technique 87
Berthold Liebig and Jan. A. Puszynski
Microwave Processing
Lower Dielectric Constant Ni-Zn Ferrites Obtained by Systematic Use of Microwave Sintering 101
Purushotham Yadoji, Ramesh Peelamedu, Dinesh Agrawal, and Rustum Roy
Novel Processing Methods
Strain-Induced Forming of Ceramics Without the Application of External Pressure 115
Stephen J. Lombarde Rajesh V Shende, Chang Soo Kim, and Robert A. Winholtz
Alternatives to Hot-Pressing Silicon Nitride/Boron Nitride Fibrous Monolith Composites 123
Emily Pickens and Rodney Trice
Improving Binder Distribution in Extruded Ceramic Paste 135
Justin Clark Tammy McCoy, Kevin Hurysz, and Joe Cochran
Supercritical Extraction of Binder from Green Ceramic Components 145
Stephen J, Lombardo, Rajesh V. Shende, and Trent R. Redfeam
Effects of Die Geometry and Paste Rheology on Extrusion Pressure 153
Raymond Oh, Joe Cochran, and Kevin Hurysz
Bulk Shear Stress Modeling of Pastes made from Low Maximum Solids Content Raw Materials 165
K.M. Hurysz and J.K. Cochran
Functionally Graded Materials
Laminated WC-Co Composites for Tribological Applications 179
Kevin M. Fox, J.R. Hellmann, M.R Amateau, H. Izui.W. Fu, and RH. Cohen
Laminated Object Manufacturing
Solid Freeform Fabrication of PZT Ceramics via an Automated Tape Laminated Object Manufacturing System 193
Barry A. Bender Roy Rayne, Carl Wu, Chulho Kim, and R.W Bruce
Thin Films and Coatings
Optical Properties of Mg Doped LiNb03 Thin Films Grown by Polymeric Precursor Method 207
A.Z. Sirnoes , A.H.M. Gonzalez, M. Cilense, M.A. Zaghete, F. Moura, A. Ries, JAVarela, and B.D. Stojanovic
Combustion Chemical Vapor Deposition of Alumina and Alumina-Chromia Coatings on Silica 217
S.N. Dunham, J.M. Hampikan, M.S. Mclntosh
Mechanical Behavior of Si3N4 Substrates with Environmental Barrier Coatings 225
K. Sharma, RS. Shankan and J.R Singh
Synthesis and Characterization
Sol-Gel Synthesis and Electrical Properties of YCo03^ 235
O.S. Buassi-Monroy, C.C. Luhrs, A. Chavez-Chavez, and C.R. Michel
Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Super Ionic Conductor of Sr-Doped or Ba-Doped Laln03 245
Chen-Feng Kao and Chieng-Teh Wu
Synthesis and Characterization byTEM and HRTEM of Nanocrystalline CuO and Cu20 Obtained by Precipitation Method 259
C.R. Michel, C.H. Rios-Reyes, and C.C. Luhrs
Synthesis of Cordierite Ceramics with a Mixture of Kyanite andTalc 269
Ivan Vemet-Patifio, Herberto Balmori-Ramfrez, Carlos Gomez-Yanez, and Richard C. Bradt
Diamond Films
Effect of Pulsed Methane Flow on Nanostructured Diamond Films Synthesized by Microwave Plasma CVD 283
V. Shanov, R Ramamurti, and R N. Singh
Preparation of SrBi2Ta209 Ferroelectric Thick Films by Electrophoretic Deposition Using Aqueous Suspensions 297
S.M. Zanetti, JAVarela, ER. Leite, and E. Longo
Processing-Microstructure-Property Relationships
Sintering,Grain Growth, and Phase Composition of Gd203-Stabilized Zr02 Powders 311
J.R. Gross, M.N. Rahaman, and &E. Dutton
Influence of the Addition of Sm on the Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Ni05Zn05Fe2xSmxO4 Ferrites 321
A.C.F.M. Costa , M.R. Morelli, and R.H.G.A. Kiminami
Index 333
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