Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore
Bengal Secretariat Book Depôt, 1908-
"Prepared for the Government of Bengal under the supervision of E. Denison Ross"--Vols. 1-3
"Prepared for the Government of Bihar and Orissa under the supervision of Sir E. Denison Ross"--Vols. 6-7
prepared by Maulavi Abdul Hamid
Supt., Gov. Print., Bihar , Printed for the Gov. of Bihar by the Baptist Mission Press [manufacture] 1937 Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore v. 22 ; Arabic mss.
prepared by Maulavi Muinuddin Nadwi
Superintendent Govt. Print., Bihar and Orissa 1930 Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore v. 18 ; Arabic mss.
pt. 1
prepared by Maulavi Abdul Muqtadir
Supt., Gov. Print., Bihar and Orissa , Printed for the Gov. of Bihar and Orissa by the Baptist Mission Press [manufacture] 1930 Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore v. 17 ; Persian mss.
prepared by Maulavi Abdul Muqtadir
Supt., Gov. Print., Bihar and Orissa , Printed for the Gov. of Bihar and Orissa by the Baptist Mission Press [manufacture] 1929 Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore v. 16 ; Persian mss.
prepared by Maulavi Abdul Muqtadir
Supt., Gov. Print., Bihar and Orissa , Printed for the Gov. of Bihar and Orissa by the Baptist Mission Press [manufacture] 1928 Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore v. 14 ; Persian mss.
prepared by Maulavi Abdul Muqtadir
Supt., Gov. Print., Bihar and Orissa , Printed for the Gov. of Bihar and Orissa by the Baptist Mission Press [manufacture] 1927 Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore v. 11 ; Persian mss.
prepared by Maulavi Abdul Hamid
Superintendent Government Printing, Bihar and Orissa 1926 Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore v. 10 ; Arabic mss.
prepared by Maulavi Abdul Muqtadir
Supt., Gov. Print., Bihar and Orissa , Printed for the Gov. of Bihar and Orissa by the Baptist Mission Press [manufacture] 1925 Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore v. 9 ; Persian mss.
prepared by Maulavi Abdul Muqtadir
Supt., Gov. Print., Bihar and Orissa , Printed for the Gov. of Bihar and Orissa by the Baptist Mission Press) 1925 Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore v. 8 ; Persian mss.
prepared by Maulavi Abdul Muqtadir
Supt. Gov. Print., Bihar and Orissa 1921 Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore v. 7
prepared by Maulavî Abdul Ḥamîd
Supt. Govt. Print., Bihar and Orissa 1920 Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore v. 5
pt. 1
prepared by Maulavi Abdul Muqtadir
Supt. Gov. Print., Bihar and Orissa 1918 Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore v. 6
prepared by Maulavi Abdul Muqtadir
Bengal Secretariat Book Depôt 1912 Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore v. 3
prepared by Maulavi Abdul Muqtadir
Bengal Secretariat Book Depôt 1908-1910 Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore [v. 1]-2
[v. 1] , v. 2