The Imperial gazetteer of India
W.W. Hunter
(Gazetteers of India in the British period)
IDC, [1991]
2nd ed
Reproduction of: v. 1-14. 2nd ed. London : Trübner, 1885-1887. 14 v. : maps. V. 1. Abar to Bálásinor -- v. 2. Balasor to Biramganta -- v. 3. Birbhum to Cocanáda -- v. 4. Cochin to Ganguriá -- v. 5. Ganjám to Indi -- v. 6. India -- v. 7. Indore to Kardong -- v. 8. Karens to Madnágarh -- v. 9. Madras Presidency to Múltái -- v. 10. Múltán to Pálhalli -- v. 11. Páli to Ratiá -- v. 12. Ratlám to Sirmur -- v. 13. Sirohi to Zumkhá -- v. 14. Index
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IDC Publishers 1991
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