Tribal cultures of Southw[e]st China = 中國西南土著文化
by Inez de Beauclair = 鮑克蘭著
(Asian folklore and social life monographs, 2)
東方文化書局, 1972
Tribal cultures of Southwast China
Tribal cultures of Southwest China
チュウゴク セイナン ドチョ ブンカ
zhong guo xi nan tu zhu wen hua
標題紙のタイトル (誤植) : Tribal cultures of Southwast China
記述は1974年再版による. 標題紙裏に「First published in Taipei, Republic of China, Spring 1972, Reprinted 1974」とあり
Orient Cultural Service
Available at 2 libraries