Written for the XXI FIDE Congress taking place in Dublin in June 2004, this book is the most wide ranging and comprehensive international survey of the topic ever undertaken. It covers how 22 EU members (both current and accession states) are adapting their constitutions and criminal laws to provide for judicial and police co-operation with other member states with the aim of tackling cross-border crime. Each country's report was submitted by a national expert in the field, and sets out in detail the legal instruments with which the EU is developing this area, and how states are meeting the challenge of adapting their laws. The reports also outline the problems encountered, and make suggestions as to how co-operation can be made more efficient whilst continuing to safeguard civil liberties.
Welcome to XXI FIDE Congress FIDE President, The Hon. Mr Justice Nial Fennelly
Foreword FIDE Secretary General, Patrick McCann
General rapporteur's and editor's biographical notes
Editor's note Anthony Moore
Text of questionnaire (English, French, and German versions)