For undergraduate/graduate courses in U.S. Foreign Policy, International Relations, European Politics, and International Organizations.
This book gives students a half-century of NATO history in a compact presentation. It is an integrated study of the evolution of the foreign policies of the major NATO states during and after the Cold War. It offers a look at the politics and diplomacy of the Alliance as well as a study of a successful military coalition.
1. The American Mission in Europe.
The Atlantic Charter. Bringing in Germany. Anglo-French Polarities. The Emergence of Helsinki Europe. Atlantic Acrimony. The Cold War Endgame.
2. Atlantic Ostpolitik North and South.
The Demilitarization of Security. The Balkan Catalyst. The Ambit of Atlanticism.
3. Expeditionary NATO.
Desert Storm. Peace and Democracy in Bosnia. The Capabilities Gap. Humanitarian War.
4. Smart War and Responsible Statecraft.
The High Tide of Interventionism. Righteous Might and Casual War. The Hollow Shell of Burden-Sharing. A Decade's Dividend.
5. The Decline of NATO.
A Distinctly American Internationalism. World Order and Imperial Power. The Failure of Atlantic Unity.
6. A Future for Atlanticism.
The International Community. Three Versions of Europe. Atlantic Commonwealth and World Order.
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