The contributions included in this book, all written by renowned scholars, examine some of the long-standing fundamental issues of international law. The main part concerns the question: how is international law made and applied? A highly original, systematic assessment of the formation of customary international law by Herman Meijers - now for the first time published in English - provides an answer to this question. Two other long-standing fundamental issues are examined. Firstly, the plausibility of the hypothesis that international law is complete on the basis of the existence of a so-called 'closing rule'. Secondly, a study of the principle of the genuine link in the modern law of the sea demonstrates that its livelihood is so limited that a post mortem is justified. The volume is concluded by a discussion on a paradoxical aspect of the law of treaties, namely regarding the right of the parties to terminate their agreements.
Foundations.- The Completeness of International Law and Hamlet's Dilemma: Non liquet, the Nuclear Weapons case, and Legal Theory*.- The Genuine Link Concept: Time for a Post Mortem?.- Sources.- On International Customary Law in the Netherlands.- The Role of State Practice in The Formation of Customary International Humanitarian Law.- From Dyestuffs to Kosovo Wine: from Avoidance to Acceptance by the European Community Courts of Customary International Law as Limit to Community Action.- Some Remarks on the Effect of the Termination of a Treaty under Article 70 of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.- Some Observations on The Consequences of The Termination of Treaties and The Reach of Article 70 of The Vienna Convention on The Law of Treaties.- Epilogue.- Herman Meijers 1923-2000.
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