Proceedings : 17th International Conference on VLSI Design : concurrently with the 3rd International Conference on Embedded Systems Design : 5-9 January 2004, Mumbai, India
technical co-sponsorship, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, IEEE Electron Devices Society ; sponsored by VLSI Society of India, Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies ; in cooperation with ACM-SIGDA ; additional sponsorship by Tata Consultancy Services ... [et al.]
IEEE Computer Society, c2004
VLSI Design 2004 : design methodologies for the gigascale era : proceedings of the 17th International Conference on VLSI Design : 5-9 January 2004
Proceedings of VLSI Design 2004 : design methodologies for the gigascale era : the 17th International Conference on VLSI Design : Mumbai, India, 5-9 January 2004