This book examines the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), an ambitious venture in regional market integration which builds on the principles of the North American Free Trade Agreement. It assesses the long-term corporate and public policy measures to cope with the increased monetary, fiscal and structural interdependence that will be required if the benefits of the FTAA are to be realized.The contributors suggest that with enlightened US leadership and the cooperation of Brazil, Mexico and Argentina, the FTAA could eventually match the EU in the world economy and as a multilateral leader. Initiatives to promote a culture of relational cooperation in a system of liberalized global commerce are stressed. In Latin America, there is an urgent need for such cooperation in order to enhance the region's lackluster growth rate and reduce the occurrences and severity of financial crises. The United States, Canada and Mexico will also benefit from the development of dynamic structural links with their regional neighbours. The authors highlight the importance for US policy initiatives to be complemented by constructive and harmonious corporate collaborations. This spirit of alliance capitalism will help ensure the FTAA promotes social justice as well as economic efficiency.
This fully integrated volume, written by leading specialists in the field, will become an indispensable source for analysis of the prospects and role of the FTAA in the global economy. It will be warmly welcomed by informed readers such as international business experts, bankers, corporate executives, economists dealing with fiscal and monetary integration, and those interested in Latin American business.
Table of Contents
Contents: Foreword Preface 1. Potential for Hemispheric Regional Cooperation 2. The Political Economy of Development in Latin America 3. Structural Partnering Potential of the US Economy 4. Economic Integration in North America: Implications for the Americas 5. What Institutional Design for North America? 6. The Future of MERCOSUR 7. The European Experience of Economic Integration 8. Hemispheric Monetary Cooperation 9. Western Hemisphere Energy Development: The Continuing Search for Security 10. Hemispheric Alliance Capitalism and Structural Partnering 11. Developmental Issues Posed by the FTAA 12. The Hemisphere in the International Political Economy Index
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