Now available in a Second Edition, Games of
Strategy remains the most accessible principles-level
text for courses in game theory, addressing a remarkably broad
range of concepts in a narrative that is both clear and compelling.
Using resonant real-world examples, the authors simplify difficult
theoretic ideas, helping students see the value of strategic
thinking in a variety of situations. The text has been carefully
updated for this Second Edition, including thorough revisions of
the sections on sequential- and simultaneous-move games and those
on voting and auctioning.
is an inviting introduction to game theory, offering students an
engaging, comprehensive view of the discipline without assuming a
prior knowledge of economics or complex mathematics (uses only high
school algebra). Additionally, instructors will find a variety of
useful pedagogical tools in the accompanying Instructor?s
Manual, including student exercises and suggested classroom games
and experiments.
*Designed for the Introductory Student -Games of
Strategy is the only game theory text available that is
designed for the introductory student. Norton has the 'optimal
sequential strategy' for more advanced game theory courses. In
addition to Games of Strategy, Norton publishes more advanced game
theory texts.
Revision - Part Two has been completely revised for the Second
Edition in order to streamline and focus the discussion to cover
sequential- and simultaneous-move games.
and Relevant Examples - Throughout the text, the authors use
examples familiar to students to apply game theory, like pop
culture, sports, politics, etc.
Part one: Introduction and General Principles
1. Basic Ideas and Examples
2. How to Think About Strategic Games
Part Two: Concepts and Techniques
3. Games with Sequential Moves
4. Simultaneous-Move Games with Pure Strategies
5. Simultaneous-Move Games with Pure Strategies, II
6. Combining Sequential and Simultaneous Moves
7. Simultaneous-Move Games with Mixed Strategies
8. Simultaneous-Move Games with Mixed Strategies
Part Three: Some Broad Classes of Games and
9. Uncertainty and Information
10. Strategic Moves
11. The Prisoners Dilemma and Repeated Games
12. Collective-Action Games
13. Evolutionary Games
Part Four: Applications to Specific Strategic
14. Brinkmanship: The Cuban Missile Crisis
15. Strategy and Voting
16. Bidding Strategy and Auction Design
17. Bargaining
18. Markets and Competition
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