"This book will help PDS partners keep their focus on students' needs-the core of PDS work, as they take this journey together. It provides concrete suggestions for what PDS partners can do in developing, implementing, and assessing their partnerships, which are framed by the standards and grounded in core concepts."
-From the Foreword by Marsha Levine
Senior Consultant for Professional Development Schools
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, Washington, DC
"Teitel's insights are incredibly on target with the issues faced by school and university staff who are now deeply engaged in PDSs. They and others like them across the country will greatly benefit from the work of the author."
Virginia Pilato, Director of Teacher Quality
Maryland State Department of Education, Baltimore, MD
Start or improve a PDS with this step-by-step handbook!
As Professional Development Schools (PDS) become more prevalent, educators already involved with a PDS continually seek insight into how it can be improved, and those interested in starting a PDS are in need of specific guidance on how to get it right from the beginning. This manual is an invaluable resource to fulfill these goals and more.
Structured around the five Standards for Professional Development Schools that were developed by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, the easy-to-use book provides practical strategies for initializing, maximizing, and evaluating PDSs.
The five chapters dedicated to a particular standard comprehensively yet succinctly covers:
A straightforward description with practical examples of what the standard looks like at various developmental stages
Real-life issues, challenges, and resolutions associated with each standard, from the early stages of partnership development through implementation and sustainability
"Quick-check" self-assessment models
A hands-on toolkit, including specific examples, proven suggestions, worksheets, planning and discussion points
Extensive resources, including web sites and other texts
In addition to these indispensable features, the book offers a how-to chapter on next steps for further refining and strengthening your PDS.
Foreword by Marsha Levine
1. Introduction: The History and Foundations of Professional Development Schools
2. Collaboration: Developing Joint Ownership of Student Learning
3. Structures, Resources, and Roles: Supporting Changes in the Learning Environment
4. Learning Community: Improving Approaches to Teaching, Learning, and Leadership
5. Diversity and Equity: Preparing a Diverse Group of Educators to Teach All Students
6. Accountability and Quality Assurance: Assessing the Partnership and its Outcomes
7. Next Steps for Strengthening Your Professional Development School
Appendix A: Applying the Framework to Multiple School PDS Partnerships
Appendix B: Using Cases to Facilitate Discussion of Partnership Issues
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