nd Welcome to the proceedings of PERVASIVE 2004, the 2 International C- ference on Pervasive Computing and the premier forum for the presentation and appraisal of the most recent and most advanced research results in all - undational and applied areas of pervasive and ubiquitous computing. Consi- ring the half-life period of technologies and knowledge this community is facing, PERVASIVE is one of the most vibrant, dynamic, and evolutionary among the computer-science-related symposia and conferences. The research challenges, e?orts, and contributions in pervasive computing have experienced a breathtaking acceleration over the past couple of years, mostly due to technological progress, growth, and a shift of paradigms in c- puter science in general. As for technological advances, a vast manifold of tiny, embedded, and autonomous computing and communication systems have st- ted to create and populate a pervasive and ubiquitous computing landscape, characterized by paradigms like autonomy, context-awareness, spontaneous - teraction, seamless integration, self-organization, ad hoc networking, invisible services, smart artifacts, and everywhere interfaces. The maturing of wireless networking, miniaturized information-processing possibilities induced by novel microprocessor technologies, low-power storage systems, smart materials, and technologies for motors, controllers, sensors, and actuators envision a future computing scenario in which almost every object in our everyday environment will be equipped with embedded processors, wireless communication facilities, and embedded software to perceive, perform, and control a multitude of tasks and functions.
Activity Recognition.- Activity Recognition from User-Annotated Acceleration Data.- Recognizing Workshop Activity Using Body Worn Microphones and Accelerometers.- "Are You with Me?" - Using Accelerometers to Determine If Two Devices Are Carried by the Same Person.- Context Computing.- Context Cube: Flexible and Effective Manipulation of Sensed Context Data.- A Context-Aware Communication Platform for Smart Objects.- Siren: Context-aware Computing for Firefighting.- Near Body Interfaces.- Spectacle-Based Design of Wearable See-Through Display for Accommodation-Free Viewing.- A Compact Battery-Less Information Terminal for Real World Interaction.- Software.- INCA: A Software Infrastructure to Facilitate the Construction and Evolution of Ubiquitous Capture & Access Applications.- Sensors.- Activity Recognition in the Home Using Simple and Ubiquitous Sensors.- Automatic Calibration of Body Worn Acceleration Sensors.- Reject-Optional LVQ-Based Two-Level Classifier to Improve Reliability in Footstep Identification.- Issues with RFID Usage in Ubiquitous Computing Applications.- Security.- A Fault-Tolerant Key-Distribution Scheme for Securing Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.- ProxNet: Secure Dynamic Wireless Connection by Proximity Sensing.- Tackling Security and Privacy Issues in Radio Frequency Identification Devices.- Architectures and Systems.- Towards Wearable Autonomous Microsystems.- Ubiquitous Chip: A Rule-Based I/O Control Device for Ubiquitous Computing.- eSeal - A System for Enhanced Electronic Assertion of Authenticity and Integrity.- Algorithms.- A Distributed Precision Based Localization Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Networks.- Adaptive On-Device Location Recognition.- Accommodating Transient Connectivity in Ad Hoc and Mobile Settings.- New Interfaces.- Microbiology Tray and Pipette Tracking as a Proactive Tangible User Interface.- Augmenting Collections of Everyday Objects: A Case Study of Clothes Hangers As an Information Display.- MirrorSpace: Using Proximity as an Interface to Video-Mediated Communication.- SearchLight - A Lightweight Search Function for Pervasive Environments.
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