TY - BOOK AU - Söderblom, Nathan AU - Sharpe, Eric J. AU - Hultgård, Anders AU - Nathan Söderblom-sällskapet AU - Uppsala universitet. Teologiska fakulteten AU - Sundkler, Bengt AU - Hultkrantz, Åke AU - Hartman, Sven S. AU - Hallencreutz, Carl F. TI - Nathan Soederblom and his contribution to the study of religion : essays in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his death PB - Societas Soederblomiana PY - 1984 T2 - Horae Soederblomianae VL - 7 EP - 102 p. UR - https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA66192970 SN - 9150605550 ER -