Text. Image ( visual ) : microform Miscellanies : by the late Lord Marquis of Halifax. -- In-house reproduction. -- 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 16 mm. -- Reprint. Originally published: London : printed for W. Rogers, ..., 1704 -- 1 p.l., 364 p. ; 20 cm ; Contents: I. Advice to a daughter. -- II. The character of a trimmer. -- III. The anatomy of an equivalent. -- IV. A letter to a dissenter. -- V. Cautions for choice of Parliament men. -- VI. A rough draft of a new model at sea. -- VII. Maxims of state, & c. -- (BA65804131) ; https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA65804131 Author Heading(s): Halifax, George Savile, Marquis of