Giolla an fhiugha, or, The lad of the ferule ; Eachtra cloinne ríghnah-ioruaidhe, or, Adventures of the children of the king of Norway
edited, with translation, notes, and glossary, by Douglas Hyde ; with a new introduction (1998) by Máire Ní Mhaonaigh
(Irish Texts Society = Cumann na Scríbheann Gaedhilge, v. 1)
Published for the Irish Texts Society, 1998
Gaelic and English on opposite pages
Parallel title in Gaelic characters
First published 1899, reprinted 1998
Reprinted in Ireland, 1998 at the Elo Press
p. [v]-vii: Preface by F. York Powell. July 1899
p. 1-32: Introduction to 1998 edition by Máire Ní Mhaonaigh
p. [vii]-xx: Introduction to 1899 edition by Douglas Hyde
Works cited: p. 31-32
Spine: London 1899
Published for the Irish Texts Society, by David Nutt 1899-