There is almost no field in Mathematics which does not use Mathe matical Analysis. Computer methods in Applied Mathematics, too, are often based on statements and procedures of Mathematical Analysis. An important part of Mathematical Analysis is Complex Analysis because it has many applications in various branches of Mathematics. Since the field of Complex Analysis and its applications is a focal point in the Vietnamese research programme, the Hanoi University of Technology organized an International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications which took place in Hanoi from August 8 - 12, 2001. This conference th was the 9 one in a series of conferences which take place alternately in China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam each year. The first one took place th at Pusan University in Korea in 1993. The preceding 8 conference was th held in Shandong in China in August 2000. The 9 conference of the was the first one which took place above mentioned series of conferences in Vietnam. Present trends in Complex Analysis reflected in the present volume are mainly concentrated in the following four research directions: 1 Value distribution theory (including meromorphic funtions, mero morphic mappings, as well as p-adic functions over fields of finite or zero characteristic) and its applications, 2 Holomorphic functions in several (finitely or infinitely many) com plex variables, 3 Clifford Analysis, i.e., complex methods in higher-dimensional real Euclidian spaces, 4 Generalized analytic functions.
I. Plenary Talks and Surveys.- 1 Nevanlinna theory and Diophantine approximations.- 2 In Ramanujan's Shadow.- 3 Holomorphic functions on the Lie ball and related topics.- 4 Invariance of Plurigenera and Torsion-Freeness of Direct Image Sheaves of Pluricanonial Bundles.- 5 Maxwell's equations in Clifford calculus framework - an overview on the development.- 6 Generalized Analytic Functions and their contributions to the development of Mathematical Analysis.- II. Complex Methods in the Plane.- 7 On qp sequences.- 8 Reconstruction of an Analytic Function from a Sequence of Values: Existence and Regularization.- 9 p-adic Interpolation and Applications.- 10 Refined Order and the Paley Problem in Vector Spaces.- 11 Integral representation of p-adic functions.- 12 Malmquist-Yosida type theorems for algebraic differential equations.- 13 Transformation techniques for partial differential equations.- 14 Besov-type Characterizations for Quaternionic Bloch Functions.- 15 Bergman and Bauer Operators for Elliptic Equations in two Independent Variables.- 16 Some results on QK-type spaces.- III. Analysis in Higher Dimensions.- 17 Representations in Polydomains.- 18 On Bq spaces of hyperholomorphic functions and the Bloch space in R3.- 19 Regeneration in complex, quaternion and Clifford analysis.- 20 A note on sesquilinear forms and the generalized uncertainty relations in *-algebras.- 21 The Hartogs Extension Theorem for the Multi-regular functions Taking Values in a Clifford algebra.- 22 The extension of entire functions of nuclear type on locally convex spaces.- 23 Some Properties of the Inhomogeneous Generalized Cauchy-Riemann Systems in Quaternionic Algebra and its Applications.- 24 The Fundamental Solution of the Hyperbolic Dirac-Equation.- 25 Inhomogeneous ordinary differential equations and local cohomologies and residues.- 26 Infinite dimensional CR category.
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