The classics of medicine library
The Classics of Medicine Library
by Florence Nightingale
The Classics of Medicine Library c1982 The classics of medicine library
by Sir Charles Bell ; including facsimiles of the first editions of The anatomy of the brain, explained in a series of engravings (1802). A series of engravings, explaining the course of the nerves (1803). On the nerves of the face (1829)
The Classics of Medicine Library c1982 The classics of medicine library
by Ignác Fülöp Semmelweis ; translated by Frank P. Murphy ; edited with commentary and translation of the Semmelweis "Open letters" by Sherwin B. Nuland and Ferenc A. Gyorgyey
The Classics of Medicine Library c1981 Special ed The classics of medicine library
by W.R. Gowers
The Classics of Medicine Library c1981 Special ed The classics of medicine library
by Thomas B. Peacock
The Classics of Medicine Library c1981 Special ed The classics of medicine library
by Henry Gray ; the drawings by H.V. Carter ; the dissections jointly by the author and Dr. Carter
The Classics of Medicine Library c1981 Special ed The classics of medicine library
by J.C. Carpue ; with a foreword and biography by Frank McDowell
The Classics of Medicine Library 1981 The classics of medicine library
by Thomas Addison
The Classics of Medicine Library c1980 Special ed The classics of medicine library
by James Lind
The Classics of Medicine Library c1980 Special ed The classics of medicine library
by William Beaumont
The Classics of Medicine Library c1980 Special ed The classics of medicine library
by L. Emmett Holt
The Classics of Medicine Library c1980 The classics of medicine library
by Nicolas Andry
The Classics of Medicine Library c1980 Special ed The classics of medicine library
by William Withering
The Classics of Medicine Library c1979 Special ed The classics of medicine library
The Classics of Medicine Library c1979 Special ed The classics of medicine library
v. 1 , v. 2
by R.G. Latham
The Classics of Medicine Library c1979 The classics of medicine library
translated from the French of R.T.H. Laennec ; with a preface and notes by John Forbes
Classics of Medicine Library c1979 Special ed The classics of medicine library
by Edward Jenner
The Classics of Medicine Library c1978 Special ed The classics of medicine library
by Rudolf Virchow ; translated from the second edition of the original by Frank Chance
The Classics of Medicine Library c1978 Special ed The classics of medicine library