Each of South-Western's seven CD-ROM simulations presents a challenging, interactive workplace experience that helps the user develop the skills most in-demand by employers today. In Building System Quality, Northeast Electronic Communication Corporation has a production problem: circuit boards in its leading product are causing system failures. Users apply statistical process control methods to determine why these defects occur, then report to management recommending ways to correct the problem, learning to: 1) analyze production data and recommend changes 2) construct and support hypotheses 3) write a technical report with recommendations for correcting the production process. System Requirements for CD-ROM simulation: Windows 95, 98, 2000 or NT. Intel Pentium or Pentium II processor (or equivalent), 75 MHz minimum (166 MHz for Windows 2000), 16 MB RAM or higher (32 MB for Windows 2000 and NT), 4x (minimum) CD-ROM drive, floppy disk drive, minimum 256-color, 640 X 480 resolution, SoundBlaster-compatible, 16-bit sound card, access to printer and Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher (can be installed from CD-ROM).
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