Knowledge-based intelligent information and engineering systems : 7th International Conference, KES 2003, Oxford, UK, September 3-5, 2003 : proceedings


Knowledge-based intelligent information and engineering systems : 7th International Conference, KES 2003, Oxford, UK, September 3-5, 2003 : proceedings

Vasile Palade, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi Jain (eds.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 2773-2774 . Lecture notes in artificial intelligence)

Springer, c2003

  • pt. 1
  • pt. 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 26



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



pt. 1 ISBN 9783540408031


2.1 Text Summarization "Text summarization is the process of distilling the most important information from a source (or sources) to produce an abridged version for a particular user (or users) and task (or tasks)" [3]. Basic and classical articles in text summarization appear in "Advances in automatic text summarization" [3]. A literature survey on information extraction and text summarization is given by Zechner [7]. In general, the process of automatic text summarization is divided into three stages: (1) analysis of the given text, (2) summarization of the text, (3) presentation of the summary in a suitable output form. Titles, abstracts and keywords are the most common summaries in Academic papers. Usually, the title, the abstract and the keywords are the first, second, and third parts of an Academic paper, respectively. The title usually describes the main issue discussed in the study and the abstract presents the reader a short description of the background, the study and its results. A keyword is either a single word (unigram), e.g.: 'learning', or a collocation, which means a group of two or more words, representing an important concept, e.g.: 'machine learning', 'natural language processing'. Retrieving collocations from text was examined by Smadja [5] and automatic extraction of collocations was examined by Kita et al. [1].


Keynote Lectures.- Distributed Prediction and Hierarchical Knowledge Discovery by ARTMAP Neural Networks.- The Brain's Cognitive Dynamics: The Link between Learning, Attention, Recognition, and Consciousness.- Adaptive Data Based Modelling and Estimation with Application to Real Time Vehicular Collision Avoidance.- Creating a Smart Virtual Personality.- Intelligent Navigation on the Mobile Internet.- The Evolution of Evolutionary Computation.- General Session Papers.- A Unified Model Maintains Knowledge Base Integrity.- Formal Argumentation Frameworks for the Extended Generalized Annotated Logic Programs.- Specifying and Validating Reactive Systems with CommonKADS Methodology.- TMMT: Tool Supporting Knowledge Modelling.- State-Based Planning with Numerical Knowledge.- KAMET II: An Extended Knowledge-Acquisition Methodology.- Automated Knowledge Acquisition by Relevant Reasoning Based on Strong Relevant Logic.- ConcepTool: Intelligent Support to the Management of Domain Knowledge.- Combining Revision Production Rules and Description Logics.- Knowledge Support for Modeling and Simulation.- Expert System for Simulating and Predicting Sleep and Alertness Patterns.- Two Expert Diagnosis Systems for SMEs: From Database-Only Technologies to the Unavoidable Addition of AI Techniques.- Using Conceptual Decision Model in a Case Study.- Automated Knowledge Acquisition Based on Unsupervised Neural Network and Expert System Paradigms.- Selective-Learning-Rate Approach for Stock Market Prediction by Simple Recurrent Neural Networks.- A Neural-Network Technique for Recognition of Filaments in Solar Images.- Learning Multi-class Neural-Network Models from Electroencephalograms.- Establishing Safety Criteria for Artificial Neural Networks.- Neural Chaos Scheme of Perceptual Conflicts.- Learning of SAINNs from Covariance Function: Historical Learning.- Use of the Kolmogorov's Superposition Theorem and Cubic Splines for Efficient Neural-Network Modeling.- The Influence of Prior Knowledge and Related Experience on Generalisation Performance in Connectionist Networks.- Urinary Bladder Tumor Grade Diagnosis Using On-line Trained Neural Networks.- Invariants and Fuzzy Logic.- Newsvendor Problems Based on Possibility Theory.- Uncertainty Management in Rule Based Systems Application to Maneuvers Recognition.- Fuzzy Coefficients and Fuzzy Preference Relations in Models of Decision Making.- Mining Fuzzy Rules for a Traffic Information System.- Possibilistic Hierarchical Fuzzy Model.- Fuzzy Knowledge Based Guidance in the Homing Missiles.- Evolutionary Design of Rule Changing Cellular Automata.- Dynamic Control of the Browsing-Exploitation Ratio for Iterative Optimisations.- Intelligent Motion Generator for Mobile Robot by Automatic Constructed Action Knowledge-Base Using GA.- Population-Based Approach to Multiprocessor Task Scheduling in Multistage Hybrid Flowshops.- A New Paradigm of Optimisation by Using Artificial Immune Reactions.- Multi-objective Genetic Programming Optimization of Decision Trees for Classifying Medical Data.- A Study of the Compression Method for a Reference Character Dictionary Used for On-line Character Recognition.- Mercer Kernels and 1-Cohomology of Certain Semi-simple Lie Groups.- On-line Profit Sharing Works Efficiently.- Fast Feature Ranking Algorithm.- Visual Clustering with Artificial Ants Colonies.- Maximizing Benefit of Classifications Using Feature Intervals.- Parameter Estimation for Bayesian Classification of Multispectral Data.- Goal Programming Approaches to Support Vector Machines.- Asymmetric Triangular Fuzzy Sets for Classification Models.- Machine Learning to Detect Intrusion Strategies.- On the Benchmarking of Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm.- Multicategory Incremental Proximal Support Vector Classifiers.- Arc Consistency for Dynamic CSPs.- Determination of Decision Boundaries for Online Signature Verification.- On the Accuracy of Rotation Invariant Wavelet-Based Moments Applied to Recognize Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.- A Multi-agent System for Knowledge Management in Software Maintenance.- D2G2A: A Distributed Double Guided Genetic Algorithm for Max_CSPs.- Modelling Intelligent Agents for Organisational Memories.- A Study on the Multi-agent Approach to Large Complex Systems.- Multi-layered Distributed Agent Ontology for Soft Computing Systems.- A Model for Personality and Emotion Simulation.- Using Loose and Tight Bounds to Mine Frequent Itemsets.- Mining Association Rules with Frequent Closed Itemsets Lattice.- Mining Generalized Closed Frequent Itemsets of Generalized Association Rules.- Qualitative Point Sequential Patterns.- Visualization and Evaluation Support of Knowledge Discovery through the Predictive Model Markup Language.- Detecting Patterns of Fraudulent Behavior in Forensic Accounting.- SPIN!-An Enterprise Architecture for Spatial Data Mining.- The Role of Discretization Parameters in Sequence Rule Evolution.- Feature Extraction for Classification in Knowledge Discovery Systems.- Adaptive Per-application Load Balancing with Neuron-Fuzzy to Support Quality of Service for Voice over IP in the Internet.- Hybrid Intelligent Production Simulator by GA and Its Individual Expression.- On the Design of an Artificial Life Simulator.- 3-Dimensional Object Recognition by Evolutional RBF Network.- Soft Computing-Based Design and Control for Vehicle Health Monitoring.- An Adaptive Novelty Detection Approach to Low Level Analysis of Images Corrupted by Mixed Noise.- The Image Recognition System by Using the FA and SNN.- License Plate Detection Using Hereditary Threshold Determine Method.- Recognition from EMG Signals by an Evolutional Method and Non-negative Matrix Factorization.- A Feature Extraction Method for Personal Identification System.- A Feature Extraction of the EEG Using the Factor Analysis and Neural Networks.- A Neural Network Approach to Color Image Classification.- Recognition of EMG Signal Patterns by Neural Networks.- True Smile Recognition Using Neural Networks and Simple PCA.- Estimation of Sea Ice Movement Using Locally Parallel Matching Model.- Evaluation of a Combined Wavelet and a Combined Principal Component Analysis Classification System for BCG Diagnostic Problem.- Learning from the Expert: Improving Boundary Definitions in Biomedical Imagery.- Low Complexity Functions for Stationary Independent Component Mixtures.- Knowledge-Based Automatic Components Placement for Single-Layer PCB Layout.- Knowledge-Based Hydraulic Model Calibration.- Using Artificial Neural Networks for Combustion Interferometry.- An Operating and Diagnostic Knowledge-Based System for Wire EDM.- The Application of Fuzzy Reasoning System in Monitoring EDM.- Knowledge Representation for Structure and Function of Electronic Circuits.- A Web-Based System for Transformer Design.- A Fuzzy Control System for a Small Gasoline Engine.- Faults Diagnosis through Genetic Matching Pursuit.- A Fuzzy Classification Solution for Fault Diagnosis of Valve Actuators.- Deep and Shallow Knowledge in Fault Diagnosis.- Learning Translation Templates for Closely Related Languages.- Implementation of an Arabic Morphological Analyzer within Constraint Logic Programming Framework.- Efficient Automatic Correction of Misspelled Arabic Words Based on Contextual Information.- A Socially Supported Knowledge-Belief System and Its Application to a Dialogue Parser.- Knowledge-Based Question Answering.- Knowledge-Based System Method for the Unitarization of Meaningful Augmentation in Horizontal Transliteration of Hanman Characters.- An Expressive Efficient Representation: Bridging a Gap between NLP and KR.- Connecting Word Clusters to Represent Concepts with Application to Web Searching.- A Framework for Integrating Deep and Shallow Semantic Structures in Text Mining.- Fuzzy Methods for Knowledge Discovery from Multilingual Text.- Automatic Extraction of Keywords from Abstracts.- Term-length Normalization for Centroid-based Text Categorization.- Recommendation System Based on the Discovery of Meaningful Categorical Clusters.- A Formal Framework for Combining Evidence in an Information Retrieval Domain.- Managing Articles Sent to the Conference Organizer.- Information Retrieval Using Deep Natural Language Processing.- Ontology of Domain Modeling in Web Based Adaptive Learning System.- Individualizing a Cognitive Model of Students' Memory in Intelligent Tutoring Systems.- An Ontology-Based Approach to Intelligent Instructional Design Support.- Javy: Virtual Environment for Case-Based Teaching of Java Virtual Machine.- Self-Organization Leads to Hierarchical Modularity in an Internet Community.- Rule-Driven Mobile Intelligent Agents for Real-Time Configuration of IP Networks.- Neighborhood Matchmaker Method: A Decentralized Optimization Algorithm for Personal Human Network.- Design and Implementation of an Automatic Installation System for Application Program in PDA.- Combination of a Cognitive Theory with the Multi-attribute Utility Theory.- Using Self Organizing Feature Maps to Acquire Knowledge about Visitor Behavior in a Web Site.- A Framework for the Development of Personalized Agents.- Topic Cascades: An Interactive Interface for Exploration of Clustered Web Search Results Based on the SVG Standard.- Active Knowledge Mining for Intelligent Web Page Management.- Case-Based Reasoning for Time Courses Prognosis.- Adaptation Problems in Therapeutic Case-Based Reasoning Systems.- A Knowledge Management and Quality Model for R&D Organizations.- Knowledge Management Systems Development: A Roadmap.- An Extensible Environment for Expert System Development.- An Innovative Approach for Managing Competence: An Operational Knowledge Management Framework.- A Synergy of Modelling for Constraint Problems.- Object-Oriented Design of E-Government System: A Case Study.- A Practical Study of Some Virtual Sensor Methods as Part of Data Fusion.- A Mamdani Model to Predict the Weighted Joint Density.- Mining Spatial Rules by Finding Empty Intervals in Data.- The Application of Virtual Reality to the Understanding and Treatment of Schizophrenia.- Representation of Algorithmic Knowledge in Medical Information Systems.- A Case-Based Reasoning Approach to Business Failure Prediction.- A Metaheuristic Approach to Fuzzy Project Scheduling.- Invited Sessions Papers.- A Note on the Sensitivity to Parameters in the Convergence of Self-Organizing Maps.- Utilization of AI & GAs to Improve the Traditional Technical Analysis in the Financial Markets.- On the Predictability of High-Frequency Financial Time Series.- Incremental Learning and Forgetting in RBF Networks and SVMs with Applications to Financial Problems.- Expanded Neural Networks in System Identification.- A New Learning Algorithm for the Hierarchical Structure Learning Automata Operating in the General Nonstationary Multiteacher Environment.- An Age Estimation System Using the Neural Network.- Reconstruction of Facial Skin Color in Color Images.- Grain-Shaped Control System by Using the SPCA.- Reinforcement Learning Using RBF Networks with Memory Mechanism.- Face Identification Method Using the Face Shape.- Tracking of Moving Object Using Deformable Template.- Thai Banknote Recognition Using Neural Network and Continues Learning by DSP Unit.- Color-Identification System Using the Sandglass-Type Neural Networks.- Secure Matchmaking of Fuzzy Criteria between Agents.- Finding Efficient Nonlinear Functions by Means of Genetic Programming.- Keystream Generator Analysis in Terms of Cellular Automata.- Graphic Cryptography with Pseudorandom Bit Generators and Cellular Automata.- Agent-Oriented Public Key Infrastructure for Multi-agent E-service.- SOID: An Ontology for Agent-Aided Intrusion Detection.- Pseudorandom Number Generator - The Self Programmable Cellular Automata.- Exclusion/Inclusion Fuzzy Classification Network.- Discovering Prediction Rules by a Neuro-fuzzy Modeling Framework.- SAMIR: Your 3D Virtual Bookseller.- Detection and Diagnosis of Oscillations in Process Plants.- A Petri-Net Based Reasoning Procedure for Fault Identification in Sequential Operations.- Synthesis of Operating Procedures for Material and Energy Conversions in a Batch Plant.- IDEF0 Activity Model Based Design Rationale Supporting Environment for Lifecycle Safety.- The Optimal Profit Distribution Problem in a Multi-Echelon Supply Chain Network: A Fuzzy Optimization Approach.- An Experimental Study of Model Predictive Control Based on Artificial Neural Networks.- Fault Recognition System of Electrical Components in Scrubber Using Infrared Images.- Nonlinear Process Modeling Based on Just-in-Time Learning and Angle Measure.- Support Vector Machines for Improved Voiceband Classification.- Adaptive Prediction of Mobile Radio Channels Utilizing a Filtered Random Walk Model for the Coefficients.- Amplitude Modulated Sinusoidal Models for Audio Modeling and Coding.- A Fast Converging Sequential Blind Source Separation Algorithm for Cyclostationary Sources.- Computationally Efficient Doubletalk Detection Using Estimated Loudspeaker Impulse Responses.- Texture Segmentation Using Semi-supervised Support Vector Machine.- A Non-parametric Test for Detecting the Complex-Valued Nature of Time Series.- Domain Ontology Analysis in Agent-Oriented Requirements Engineering.- A Framework for ACL Message Translation for Information Agents.- An Ontology for Modelling Security: The Tropos Approach.- Towards a Pragmatic Use of Ontologies in Multi-agent Platforms.- Ontological Foundations of Natural Language Communication in Multiagent Systems.- Ontology Management for Agent Development.- A Multiagent, Distributed Approach to Service Robotics.- PCA Based Digital Watermarking.- Image Retrieval Based on Independent Components of Color Histograms.- Face Recognition Using Overcomplete Independent Component Analysis.- An ICA-Based Method for Poisson Noise Reduction.- Recursive Approach for Real-Time Blind Source Separation of Acoustic Signals.

pt. 2 ISBN 9783540408048


During recent decades we have witnessed not only the introduction of automation into the work environment but we have also seen a dramatic change in how automation has influenced the conditions of work. While some 30 years ago the addition of a computer was considered only for routine and boring tasks in support of humans, the balance has dramatically shifted to the computer being able to perform almost any task the human is willing to delegate. The very fast pace of change in processor and information technology has been the main driving force behind this development. Advances in automation and especially Artificial Intelligence (AI) have enabled the formation of a rather unique team with human and electronic members. The team is still supervised by the human with the machine as a subordinate associate or assistant, sharing responsibility, authority and autonomy over many tasks. The requirement for teaming human and machine in a highly dynamic and unpredictable task environment has led to impressive achievements in many supporting technologies. These include methods for system analysis, design and engineering and in particular for information processing, for cognitive and complex knowledge [1] engineering .


Advances on Adaptive Resonance Theory and Applications.- Putting the Utility of Match Tracking in Fuzzy ARTMAP Training to the Test.- An ART-Based Hybrid Network for Medical Pattern Classification Tasks with Missing Data.- Combining Support Vector Machines and ARTMAP Architectures for Natural Classification.- ART-Based Neuro-fuzzy Modelling Applied to Reinforcement Learning.- AFC: ART-Based Fuzzy Classifier.- Intelligent Decision Support Making Systems.- Intelligent Assistance, Retrieval, Reminder and Advice for Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision-Making.- Facilitating Electronic Business Planning with Decision Making Support Systems.- Critical Context for Decision Making: A Modeling Approach Based on a Re-planning Tool.- A Framework to Assess Intelligent Decision-Making Support Systems.- An Information Market for Multi-agent Decision Making: Observations from a Human Experiment.- Classification of Decision-Behavior Patterns in Multivariate Computer Log Data Using Independent Component Analysis.- Design, Integration and Evaluation of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Control System for the Improvement of the Monitoring and Quality Control Process in the Manufacturing of Metal Casting Components.- Developing Intelligent Decision Support Systems: A Bipartite Approach.- Fuzzy Support Systems for Discretionary Judicial Decision Making.- Intelligent Decision Making Support through Just-in-Time Knowledge Management.- Integrating Simulation and Argumentation in Organizational Decision Making.- Neural Networks for Vision - Biological and Artificial.- Perceptual Grouping to Motion Direction and Speed in Apertures.- Assignment of Figural Side to Contours Based on Symmetry, Parallelism, and Convexity.- Neural Network Model Restoring Partly Occluded Patterns.- Face Localization in the Neural Abstraction Pyramid.- A Model for Selective Visual Attention Based on Discrete Scale-Spaces.- A Trainable Object-Detection Method Using Equivalent Retinotopical Sampling and Fisher Kernel.- Self-Organizing Feature Maps for HMM Based Lip-Reading.- A Convolutional Neural Network VLSI for Image Recognition Using Merged/Mixed Analog-Digital Architecture.- Promoting Smart User-Centred Approaches in Innovative Teaching and Learning.- Making Intelligent Learning Technologies Meaningful: Practical Lessons Learnt from Public Administration Training Programs in South Africa and Canada.- Using Communication Preference and Mapping Learning Styles to Teaching Styles in the Distance Learning Intelligent Tutoring System - WISDeM.- Evaluation of Discussions in Online Classrooms.- Web-Based Synchronized Multimedia System Design for Teaching/Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language.- An Integrated Courseware Usability Evaluation Method.- Development of a Level-Based Instruction Model in Web-Based Education.- AI Techniques in Web-Based Educational Systems.- Using Fuzzy Techniques to Model Students in Web-Based Learning Environments.- The Use of Conceptual Graphs for Interactive Student Modelling and Adaptive Web Explanations.- Supporting Collaborative Knowledge Building with Intelligent Agents.- Providing Personalised Recommendations in a Web-Based Education System.- A Rule-Based Formalism for Describing Collaborative Adaptive Courses.- User Modeling on Adaptive Web-Based Learning Communities.- Preventing Student Dropout in Distance Learning Using Machine Learning Techniques.- Evaluation of an Intelligent Web-Based Language Tutor.- Domain Knowledge Acquisition and Plan Recognition by Probabilistic Reasoning.- Web Based Education as a Result of AI Supported Classroom Teaching.- From Web-Based Educational Systems to Education on the Web: On the Road to the Adaptive Web.- Complex-Valued Neural Networks.- Qubit Neural Network and Its Efficiency.- Performance of Adaptive Beamforming by Using Complex-Valued Neural Network.- Quaternion Neural Network and Its Application.- Building Up of a Pen Oriented Human-Software Interface with Complex-Valued Spiking Machines.- Pitch-Asynchronous Overlap-Add Waveform-Concatenation Speech Synthesis by Using a Phase-Optimizing Neural Network.- A Data-Reusing Gradient Descent Algorithm for Complex-Valued Recurrent Neural Networks.- Some Properties of the Network Consisting of Two Complex-Valued Nagumo-Sato Neurons.- Knowledge Based Computer Assisted Systems for Health Care.- Ontology-Based Medical Information Service System.- Abstraction of Long-Term Changed Tests in Mining Hepatitis Data.- A Classification Capability of Reflective Neural Networks in Medical Databases.- A Classification Method of Medical Database by Immune Multi-agent Neural Networks with Planar Lattice Architecture.- Physiological Simulation by Integrating a Circulatory System Model with Beat-by-Beat Hemodynamics.- Collimation Detection in Digital Radiographs Using Plane Detection Hough Transform.- Automated Cerebral Arteries Segmentation and Diameter Measurement of Aneurysm from MR Angiograms.- Data Mining for Seeking Relationships between Sickness Absence and Japanese Worker's Profile.- Clinical Decision Support System Applied the Analytic Hierarchy Process.- Intelligent Human Computer Interaction Systems.- Emotion Generating Calculations Based on Hidden Markov Model.- Support System for Analysis of Student's Motivation in Group Learning.- Personalization of Help System Output in the Framework of Everyday Language Computing.- A Description Method of Syntactic Rules on Japanese Filmscript.- Knowledge Structure for Acquiring Personal Taste Information.- A Proposal of Kansei Description for Multimedia Contents.- Interactive Navigation for Problem-Solving Oriented Learning Processes.- Multi-objective Decision Making by AHP and Its Application to Personal Preference Retrieval System.- Interactive Design Support System by Customer Evaluation and Genetic Evolution: Application to Eye Glass Frame.- Immunity-Based Systems.- Towards an Immunity-Based System for Detecting Masqueraders.- Noisy Channel and Reaction-Diffusion Systems: Models for Artificial Immune Systems.- Immunity-Based Approaches for Self-Monitoring in Distributed Intrusion Detection System.- Idiotypic Network Model for Feature Extraction in Pattern Recognition - Effect of Diffusion of Antibody.- Mechanism of a Transient but Long-Lasting Immune Memory Function on a Self/Non-Self Boundary.- A Proposal of Immune Multi-agent Neural Networks and Its Application to Medical Diagnostic System for Hepatobiliary Disorders.- Intelligent Knowledge-Based Interface Systems (I).- Development of an ESP E-learning Tool Using In-House Corpora.- Evaluation of Learning Support System for Agent-Based C Programming.- EM Algorithm for Cleaning of Answers Generated by an E-learning System.- Reinforcement Learning Methods to Handle Actions with Differing Costs in MDPs.- Intelligent Knowledge-Based Interface Systems (II).- Extraction of Face Parts by Using Flesh Color and Boundary Images.- Web Type CAI System with Dynamic Text Change from Database by Understanding.- A Study on Saccadic Eye Movements at the Mutual Gazing.- Direction Selective Artificial Vision Model and the Layout for Analog VLSI.- Knowledge-Based and Cognitive Neuroscience Systems for Future Humanoid Robot Development.- Cognitive Humanoid Robots Based on Complex Kinematic Features.- A Multi-layered Hierarchical Architecture for a Humanoid Robot.- Active Detection of Anomalous Region as Primitive Processing for Visual Object Segregation.- ANNA: An Artificial Neural Network for Attention to Emotional Recognition.- Attention-Based Robot Control.- Industrial Applications of Soft Computing.- Two Industrial Problems Solved through a Novel Optimization Algorithm.- Do Neurofuzzy Systems Have Chances in Industrial Applications?.- Clusterability and Centroid Approximation.- An Artificial Olfactory System for Quality and Geographical Discrimination of Olive Oils.- A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Improve Manufacturing Effectiveness.- Intelligent Mobile Agents in Mobile Networks: All-Mobile Networks.- Knowledge-Based Mobility Management in All-Mobile Network.- The Intelligent Agent-Based Control of Service Processing Capacity.- Multi-agent System for Remote Software Operations.- Command and Control (C2) and Situation Awareness - Reasoning in Intelligent Agents.- A Frigate Movement Survival Agent-Based Approach.- Weasel: A User Guided Enemy Course of Action Generator.- A Multi-agent System for Executing Group Tasks.- Knowledge Elicitation and Decision-Modelling for Command Agents.- The Wargame Infrastructure and Simulation Environment (Wise).- Intelligent Agents and Situation Awareness.- Intelligent Groupware.- A New MPEG-2 Solution Using a 2nd ALU in the RISC.- Idea Generation Support System GUNGEN DX II beyond Papers.- Data Processing Method of Small-Scale Five Senses Communication System.- A Trial of a Bidirectional Learning Management Tool for Promoting Learning by Mobile Phone.- Development of a Remote Communication System for Computer Novices and Their Instructors.- Personalized Environment for Skimming Documents.- GUNGEN-GO: Real-Time Groupware Development Environment for a Hypermedia System.- Visualization Methods for Sharing Knowledge Pieces and Relationships Based on Biological Models.- Intelligent Paradigms in Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering.- Functional Imaging of Tinnitus: Seeing of the Unseeable!.- Brain Signal Source Localization Using a Method Combining BP Neural Networks with Nonlinear Least Squares Method.- System Identification of the Brain Dynamics by EEG Analysis Using Neural Networks.- A Neural Network Model for Pattern Recognition.- A Predictive Feedback Control Model Using NN and NLMS.- Intelligent Systems Design.- Representing of Dependence Model and Class Testing Using Program Dependence Model.- Secure Transaction Processing in Multi-expert Systems with Replicated Data.- Goal-Directed Design for Proactive and Intelligent Device Collaboration.- Recognition of X-ray Images by Using Revised GMDH-type Neural Networks.- Low Power Design of the Neuroprocessor.- Visual Sensing ahd Human Interface for Affective Computing.- Age and Gender Estimation Based on Facial Image Analysis.- Age and Gender Estimations by Modeling Statistical Relationship among Faces.- Subjective Age Obtained from Facial Images - How Old We Feel Compared to Others-.- Robust Facial Parts Detection by Using Four Directional Features and Relaxation Matching.- Event Detection for a Visual Surveillance System Using Stereo Omni-directional System.- Mental Workload of Ship's Navigator.- Face Tracking System with Fixed CCD and PTZ Camera.- Intelligent Techniques for Biology and Chemistry.- A Study of Aquatic Toxicity Using Artificial Neural Networks.- Discovery of Toxicological Patterns with Lazy Learning.- Discovering Active Regions in Non-redundant Genome Databases.- Neural Network Application to Eggplant Classification.- Intelligent Optimal Control of a Biosynthesis Process Using a Neural Network Based Estimator.- Methods and Applications of Intelligent Hybrid Systems.- On the Analysis of Neural Networks for Image Processing.- Development of Methods How to Avoid the Overfitting-Effect within the GeLog-System.- An Optimal Algorithm for Combining Multivariate Forecasts in Hybrid Systems.- Probabilistic Neuro-fuzzy Network with Non-conventional Activation Functions.- An Optimization of Data Mining Algorithms Used in Fuzzy Association Rules.- Some Test Problems Regarding Intelligent Tutoring Systems.- Knowledge Based Methods and Applications for Product Development.- A Web-Based Intelligent Forecasting System.- A Tabu Search-Based Optimization Approach for Process Planning.- Automated Text Classification for Fast Feedback - Investigating the Effects of Document Representation.- A Solution to Billiard Balls Puzzle Using AO Algorithm and Its Application to Product Development.- A Product Model for Mass - Customisation Products.- Intelligent Media Technology for Communicative Intelligence.- Embodied Conversational Agents for Presenting Intellectual Multimedia Contents.- Channel Design for Strategic Knowledge Interaction.- Object Tracking and Task Recognition for Producing Interactive Video Content - Semi-automatic Indexing for QUEVICO.- Structural Analysis of Instruction Utterances.- On Personalizing Video Portal System with Metadata.- Environmental Media - In the Case of Lecture Archiving System -.- Non-verbal Human Communication Using Avatars in a Virtual Space.- Adjustment of Nonverbal Conversational Signals from Embodied Agents in Dialogues.- Toward the Human Communication Efficiency Monitoring from Captured Audio and Video Media in Real Environments.- Toward a Mutual Adaptive Interface: An Interface and a User Induce and Utilize the Partner's Adaptation.- Neural Network Models of Brain Disease, Plasticity and Rehabilitation.- Neural Network Theory and Recent Neuroanatomical Findings Indicate that Inadequate Nitric Oxide Synthase Will Cause Autism.- From Dopamine to Psychosis: A Computational Approach.- Preoccupation with a Restricted Pattern of Interest in Modelling Autistic Learning.- The CODAM Model and Deficits of Consciousness I: CODAM.- CODAM and Deficits of Consciousness II: Schizophrenia and Neglect/Extinction.- A Neurocomputational Model of Early Psychosis.- Schizophrenia Positive Symptoms Interpreted as Cognitive Hallucinations.- Selfreparing Neural Networks: A Model for Recovery from Brain Damage.- Dopaminergic Noise Control of Memory in Psychic Aparatus Functioning.- Soft Computing Techniques for 3D Computer Vision.- Contour Based Superquadric Tracking.- 2D Qualitative Recognition of SymGeon Aspects.- Accelerated Bundle Adjustment in Multiple-View Reconstruction.- Knowledge Based E-learning.- Learning Method Objects for Knowledge-Driven Environments.- Open Web-Based Learning Environments and Knowledge Forums to Support Disabled People.- A Model Conception for Learner Profile Construction and Determination of Optimal Scenario in Intelligent Learning Systems.- Adaptive Learning Scenarios in Intelligent Instructional Environment.- Content Modeling in Intelligent Instructional Environments.- Knowledge Engineering at the User Interface for Intelligent Biometric Processing.- Human Factors that Affected the Benchmarking of NAFIS: A Case Study.- A Study on Performance Evaluation of the Liveness Detection for Various Fingerprint Sensor Modules.- Intelligent Management of Multimodal Biometric Transactions.- An Experimental Study on Measuring Image Quality of Infant Fingerprints.- A Study of the User Interface in Biometric Verification Based on the Characteristics of Human Signature Checking.- Advances on Knowledge Engineering.- Knowledge Model of a Therapy Administration Task - Applied to an Agricultural Domain.- Acquisition and Representation of Causal and Temporal Knowledge in Medical Domains.- Extended Models of Dynamic Selection Using Ontological Elements - Application to Design and Image Analysis Problems.- Experiences in Reusing Problem Solving Methods - An Application in Constraint Programming.- Problem-Solving Analysis for the Budgeting Task in Furniture Industry.- Collecting, Analyzing and Interpreting Data for User Model Acquisition in Open Web-Based Adaptive Collaborative Environment.- Some Issues about the Representation and Exploitation of Imprecise Temporal Knowledge for an AI Planner.- On Selecting and Scheduling Assembly Plans Using Constraint Programming.- Dynamic versus Static Student Models Based on Bayesian Networks: An Empirical Study.- Knowledge Acquisition in PROSTANET - A Bayesian Network for Diagnosing Prostate Cancer.- Construction of a Development Environment for GPMs Based on OO Analysis Patterns.- Using Electronic Documents for Knowledge Acquisition and Model Maintenance.- Design of a Validation Tool Based on Design Patterns for Intelligent Systems.- Knowledge Base Development.- KB-Grid: Towards Building Large-Scale Knowledge System in Semantic Web.- First Steps towards an Ontology for Astrophysics.- Emergence and Self-organization in Agent Systems.- Cellular Automata Model Based on Multiagent Techniques.- Extraction of Rules by Heterogeneous Agents Using Automatically Defined Groups.- Data Mining for Distributed Databases with Multiagents.- Applying Self-Organizing Agents to University Class Scheduling.- Emergence in Agents with Different Internal Time Frames.

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  • ISBN
    • 3540408037
    • 3540408045
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Berlin ; Tokyo
  • ページ数/冊数
    2 v.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 親書誌ID

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