Includes bibliographical references (p. 677-734) and indexes
The coming of the welfare state / Michael Freeden
Politics and markets : Keynes and his critics / Wayne Parsons
The advent of the masses and the making of the modern theory of democracy / Richard Bellamy
Nationalism and imperialism / James Mayall
Fascism and racism / Stanley G. Payne
Conservatism / Noël O'Sullivan
Christian democracy / Mario Caciagli
Critics of totalitarianism / Jeffrey C. Isaac
The end of the welfare state? / Robert E. Goodin
The Second International : socialism and social democracy / Dick Geary
The Russian Revolution : an ideology in power / Neil Harding
Asian communism / David McLellan
Western Marxism / David McLellan
French Marxism - existentialism to structuralism / Sunil Khilnani
Positivism : reactions and developments / Melissa Lane
Postmodernism : pathologies of modernity from Nietzsche to the post-structuralists / Peter Dews
Weber, Durkheim and the sociology of the modern state / Antonino Palumbo and Alan Scott
Freud and his followers / Paul Roazen
Modernism in art, literature and political theory / Walter L. Adamson
The new science of politics / James Farr
Utilitarianism and beyond : contemporary analytical political theory / David Miller and Richard Dagger
Pacifism and pacificism / Martin Ceadal
Feminisms / Susan James
Identity politics / James Tully
Green political theory / Terence Ball
Non-western political thought / Bhikhu Parekh
Islamic political thought / Salwa Ismail
Epilogue : The grand dichotomy of the twentieth century / Steven Lukes
This major work of academic reference provides a comprehensive overview of the development of political thought from the late nineteenth to the end of the twentieth century. Written by a distinguished team of international contributors, this Cambridge History, first published in 2003, covers the rise of the welfare state and subsequent reactions to it, the fascist and communist critiques of and attempted alternatives to liberal democracy, the novel forms of political organisation occasioned by the rise of a mass electorate and new social movements, the various intellectual traditions from positivism to post-modernism that have shaped the study of politics, the interaction between western and non-western traditions of political thought, and the challenge posed to the state by globalisation. Every major theme in twentieth-century political thought is covered in a series of chapters at once scholarly and accessible, of interest and relevance to students and scholars of politics at all levels from beginning undergraduate upwards.
Editors' introduction
Part I. The Changing Fortunes of Liberal Democracy: 1. The coming of the welfare state Michael Freeden
2. Politics and markets: Keynes and his critics Wayne Parsons
3. The advent of the masses and the making of the modern theory of democracy Richard Bellamy
4. Nationalism and imperialism James Mayall
5. Fascism and racism Stanley G. Payne
6. Conservatism Noel O'Sullivan
7. Christian Democracy Mario Caciagli
8. Critics of totalitarianism Jeffrey C. Isaac
9. The end of the welfare state? Robert E. Goodin
Part II. Varieties of Marxism: 10. The Second International: socialisms and social democracy Dick Geary
11. The Russian Revolution: an ideology in power Neil Harding
12. Asian communism David McLellan
13. Western Marxism David McLellan
14. French Marxism - existentialism to structuralism Sunil Khilnani
Part III. Science, Modernism and Politics: 15. Reactions to positivism Melissa Lane
16. Postmodernism: pathologies of modernity from Nietzsche to the post-structuralists Peter Dews
17. Weber, Durkheim and the sociology of the modern state Antonino Palumbo and Alan Scott
18. Freud and his followers Paul Roazen
19. Modernism in art, literature and political theory Walter L. Adamson
20. The new science of politics James Farr
21. Utilitarianism and beyond: contemporary analytical political theory David Miller and Richard Dagger
Part IV. New Social Movements and the Politics of Difference: 22. Pacifism and Pacificism Martin Ceadal
23. Feminisms Susan James
24. Identity politics James Tully
25. Green political theory Terence Ball
Part V. Beyond Western Political Thought: 26. Nonwestern political thought in the twentieth century Bhikhu Parekh
27. Islamic political thought in the twentieth century Salwa Ismail
Epilogue - the grand dichotomy of the twentieth century Steven Lukes