International finance, global securities, and banking, 1995-2001
edited by Robert E. Lester
(Special studies series)
LexisNexis, c2002
マイクロ形態(マイクロフィルム (リール))
A guide to the microfilm edition of International finance, global securities, and banking : special studies, 1995-2001
reel 1338.9/85/170016506,
reel 110617184,
reel 1200160405X,
reel 1011901105,
reel 1338||MR||INT3003000548, 摂南大学 図書館 本館 reel 1S338.9||L||120404956, reel 1M33/I-1/M 127380300063207, 東京大学 社会科学研究所 図書 reel 1MF03:2:16510520924, reel 1A3:11664151066091, reel 1ZFM338||L9550||150;0350012222, reel 1DC21:332.042/IN80174274991, reel 1332.042:MR0650343577, 明治大学 図書館 本 reel 1M||1430||||H2200306095,
reel 152110409, reel 110300095196, Accompanied by a printed guide entitled on cover: A guide to the microfilm edition of International finance, global securities, and banking : special studies, 1995-2001, compiled by Barbara Brown and Dan Elasky, c2004
University Publications of America
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