Describes strategies through which faculty can document and "go public" with their teaching-be it for purposes of improvement or evaluation. Each of nine chapters features a different strategy-from the fairly simple, low-risk "teaching circle," to "course portfolios," to more formal departmental occasions such as faculty hiring-with reports by faculty who have actually tried each strategy, guidelines for good practice, and an annotated list of resources.
- Preface--Russell Edgerton
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Teaching Circles: Starting the Conversation
- Setting a Scholarly Tone Teaching Circles in the History Department at Kent State University--John Jameson
- Fostering Collective Responsibility for Student Learning Teaching Seminars in the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Mathematics Department--Charles Burnap and Miriam Leiva
- Learning Together An Online Faculty Conversation About Online Student Conversation at Rio Hondo College--Susan Obler
- Chapter 2: Reciprocal Visits and Observations: Opening the Classroom Door
- Reciprocal Classroom Visits An Experiment in the Temple University History Department--William Cutler and Howard Spodek
- The Teacher Observation/Peer Support (TOPS) Program at California State University-Dominguez Hills--Kathleen McEnerney and Jamie L. Webb
- The Featured Faculty Program at Eastern Michigan University byDeborah DeZure
- Chapter 3: Mentoring: Teachers Teaching Other Teachers
- A New Faculty Mentoring Program in the Stanford English Department byDavid Halliburton
- The Faculty Tutorial Program at Saint Olaf College--Jonathan Hill
- The Issue of Supply Fostering Senior Faculty Leadership at The College of Saint Catherine--Marilou Eldred
- Chapter 4: A Focus on Student Learning
- Interviewing Each Other's Students in the Legal Studies Program at the University of Georgia--Peter Shedd
- Classroom Assessment as a Context for Faculty Conversation and Collaboration at California State University-Long Beach--Susan Nummedal
- Making Students More Active Agents in Their Learning TQM in the Syracuse University School of Business--Frances Zollers
- Chapter 5: Portfolios: Putting the Pieces Together
- Inventing a New Genre The Course Portfolio at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse--William Cerbin
- Developing a Course Portfolio in Math A Report From the University of Nebraska-Lincoln--Steve Dunbar
- Chapter 6: Team Teaching and Teaching Teams
- Teaching Teams in the Math Department at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln--Steve Dunbar
- A Team Approach to Course Design and Teaching in an Integrated Arts and Humanities Course at Alverno College--Kevin Casey
- Coordinated Studies A Model for Faculty Collaboration and Team Teaching in a Consortium of Washington Campuses--Jean MacGregor
- Team Teaching About Teaching the Disciplines The Pedagogy Seminar at Millersville University--Barbara Stengel
- Chapter 7: Collaborative Inquiry and Pedagogical Scholarship
- Collaborative Inquiry in the Teaching of Writing Theory and Practice at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln--Joy Ritchie
- Collaborative Inquiry in an Early Childhood Education Course at the University of Wyoming--Jane Nelson
- A Collaborative, Comparative Study of Student Learning in Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison--John Wright
- Chapter 8: Departmental Occasions for Collaboration
- The Pedagogical Colloquium Focusing on Teaching in the Hiring Process in the Stanford University History Department--Richard Roberts
- A Professional Development Program for Graduate Students Fostering Collaboration in the Writing Program at Northern Arizona University--Geoffrey Chase
- The Departmental Teaching Library A Mathematics Course File at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte--Charles Burnap
- Chapter 9: Intercampus Collaboration and external Review of Teaching External Peer Review of Teaching A New Effort in the Chemistry Department at IUPUI--David Malik
- Piloting Long Distance Interviews With Students as a Potential Component of the External Peer Review of Teaching--Jere Morehead
- Conclusion: From Peer Collaboration to Peer Review
- About the AAHE Teaching Initiative
- About the AAHE's Peer Review of Teaching Project.
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