公州宋山里第29號墳 高靈主山第39號墳發掘調査報告 1933, 1939
有光教一, 藤井和夫編著
(朝鮮古蹟研究會遺稿, 2)
The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for UNESCO : 東洋文庫, 2002.3
Report on the excavation of Paekche Period Tumulus No.29 at Songsan-ri, Kongju, and Tumulus No.39 at Chusan, Koryong, Korea 1933, 1939
公州宋山里第29號墳 高靈主山第39號墳發掘調査報告 1933, 1939
공주 송산리 제29호분 고령 주산 제39호분 발굴 조사 보고 1933, 1939