A great deal has been learned about serious child and adolescent conduct problems, but their causes are still not well understood. This book brings together an international group of leading authorities to advance specific, testable hypotheses about the causes of conduct disorder and juvenile delinquency. Four general causal models are delineated: the social learning model, the developmental pathways model, an integrative antisocial propensity model, and an integrative ecological/developmental model. Also provided are models focusing on specific aspects of the origins of conduct problems, including contextual, psychological, and biological influences. The authors present significant, original theoretical work and map out the kinds of further studies needed to confirm or disconfirm their new or revised hypotheses.
1. Crucial Paths from Risk Indicator to Causal Mechanism
Michael Rutter
2. A Social Learning Model of Child and Adolescent Antisocial Behavior
James Snyder, John Reid, and Gerald R. Patterson
3. Life-Course-Persistent and Adolescence-Limited Antisocial Behavior: A 10-Year Research Review and a Research Agenda
Terrie E. Moffitt
4. A Developmental Propensity Model of the Origins of Conduct Problems during Childhood and Adolescence
Benjamin B. Lahey and Irwin D. Waldman
5. Social Mechanisms of Community Influences on Crime and Pathways in Criminality
Per-Olof H. Wikstroem and Robert J. Sampson
Development of Conduct Problems during the Preschool Period
6. Starting at the Beginning: Exploring the Etiology of Antisocial Behavior in the First Years of Life
Kate Keenan and Daniel S. Shaw
7. Why Socialization Fails: The Case of Chronic Physical Aggression
Richard E. Tremblay
Cognitive Factors
8. An Early-Onset Model of the Role of Executive Functions and Intelligence in Conduct Disorder/Delinquency
Joel T. Nigg and Cynthia L. Huang-Pollock
9. Do Social Information-Processing Patterns Mediate Aggressive Behavior?
Kenneth A. Dodge
Genetic, Environmental, and Biological Influences
10. Prefrontal Deficits and Antisocial Behavior: A Causal Model
Sharon S. Ishikawa and Adrian Raine
11. Testing Alternative Hypotheses Regarding the Role of Development on Genetic and Environmental Influences Underlying Antisocial Behavior
Soo Hyun Rhee and Irwin D. Waldman
12. Prenatal and Perinatal Influences on Conduct Disorder and Serious Delinquency
Patricia A. Brennan, Emily R. Grekin, and Sarnoff A. Mednick
Animal Models of the Causes of Aggression
13. Social and Biological Mechanisms Underlying Impulsive Aggressiveness in Rhesus Monkeys
Stephen J. Suomi
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