These are the Proceedings of the Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, a COSPAR Colloquium held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, on January 20-24, 2002. The title of the meeting was Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics. In these proceedings the many and varied advances of the dynamics solar atmosphere in the past ten years of observations by Yohkoh have been reviewed.
Ten Years of Yohkoh and its Current Status: A Brief Summary (T. Kosugi, L.W. Acton).
Section 1. Quiet Sun and Solar Wind
Section 2. Active Region and Bright Point Studies
Section 3. Education and Public Outreach
Section 4. Sigmoidality and Helicity
Section 5. Reconnection in Flares
Section 6. MHD Simulations of Emergence and Eruptions
Section 7. Fine Structure in Flares
Section 8. Preflare Phenomena
Section 9. Flare Plasma Dynamics
Section 10. Coronal Mass Ejections
Section 11. Solar Cycle Studies
Section 12. High Energy Emission in Flares
Section 13. Analysis Tools
Section 14. Future Observing.
List of Acronyms.
List of Participants.
Index of Authors.
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