This is a comparative account of social care services for children and older people in five key industrial nations (Finland, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States). The authors break new ground by moving beyond institutional description and seeking to understand the normative and moral qualities of welfare systems. The book builds on existing theories of welfare state regimes by extending the analysis to the arena of social care.A full and fascinating account is provided of the historical, economic and political origins of childcare and care for older people in each of the five countries. These analyses are then used as the basis for a theoretical account of the developmental trajectories of social care systems. The book proposes that there are common pressures at work in all industrial nations driving their welfare systems to similar forms of organisation and structure. However, these trends are mediated by important differences in culture and history.
The Young, the Old and the State is an eminently readable and accessible book, and will be warmly welcomed by academics and researchers in social and public policy, health and social care and welfare economics. It will also be of interest to policymakers and NGOs involved in welfare and social care provision and provide a useful source for students on undergraduate and graduate programmes.
1. The Importance of Social Care
Jorma Sipila, Anneli Anttonen and John Baldock
2. Social Care in Finland: Stronger and Weaker Forms of Universalism
Teppo Kroeger, Anneli Anttonen and Jorma Sipila
3. Social Care Services for Children and Older People in Germany: Distinct and Separate Histories
Adalbert Evers and Christoph Sachsse
4. Care for Children and Older People in Japan: Modernizing the Traditional
Mutsuko Takahashi
5. Social Care in the United Kingdom: A Pattern of Discretionary Social Administration
John Baldock
6. Care for Children and Older People in the United States: Laggard or Merely Different?
Joseph Heffernan
7. Patterns of Social Care in Five Industrial Societies: Explaining Diversity
Anneli Anttonen, Jorma Sipila and John Baldock
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