Hellenic studies
Center for Hellenic Studies, Trustees for Harvard University
Hellenic studies series
edited by Benjamin Acosta-Hughes, Elizabeth Kosmetatou, and Manuel Baumbach
Center for Hellenic Studies, Trustees for Harvard University ; Harvard University Press (distributor) 2004 Hellenic studies 2
edited by N. Luraghi and S.E. Alcock
Center for Hellenic Studies, Trustees for Harvard University 2003 Hellenic studies 4
by Gregory Nagy
Center for Hellenic Studies, Trustees for Harvard University , Foundation of the Hellenic World 2002 Hellenic studies 1
Albert B. Lord
The Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature , Harvard University Press [distributor] 2019 3rd ed / edited by David F. Elmer Publications of the Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature 4 , Hellenic studies 77 , Harvard studies in comparative literature 24