The vanguard, a tale of Korea ; A history of the Korean people
by Gale, James Scarth
(近世 東亞細亞 西洋語 資料叢書 / 西洋語資料叢書編纂委員會 編輯, 124)
景仁文化社, 2001
Reprint. Originally published: The vanguard, a tale of Korea (New York : Revell, c1904) Reprint. Originally published: A history of the Korean people (Seoul : Christian Literature Society of Korea, 1927?) A history of the Korean people: "Published serially in "The Korea mission field", July 1924 to Sept. 1927"--Original t.p 西洋語資料叢書編纂委員會 編輯
景仁文化社 ; 2000-
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