The supermassive black hole in the center of our Milky Way is the nearest such object and relatively easy to observe and study. Not surprisingly therefore, it is the best studied supermassive black hole. Many astrophysical and even general relativistic effects can be investigated in great detail.
The Galactic Black Hole: Lectures on General Relativity and Astrophysics provides a systematic introduction to the physics/astrophysics and mathematics of black holes at a level suitable for graduate students, postdocs, and researchers in physics, astrophysics, astronomy, and applied mathematics. The focus is mainly on the supermassive black hole in the center of our Milky Way but the results can be easily generalized taking it as an example. Leading international experts provide first-hand accounts of the observational and theoretical aspects of this black hole. Topics range from the properties of the Schwarzschild metric and the collapse of a black hole, to quantum gravity, and from the structure of the Galaxy to accretion of matter and the emission properties of the Galactic Center black hole.
The Schwarzschild black hole: a general relativistic introduction
Christian Heinicke and Friedrich W. Hehl
The Milky Way: structure, constituents and evolution
Susanne Huttemeister
The collapse to a black hole
Gernot Neugebauer
The environment of the galaxy's central black hole
Mark R. Morris
Particles and fields near black holes
Valeri Frolov
Close encounters with black holes
Domenico Giulini
Quantum aspects of black holes
Claus Kiefer
The mass of the Galactic Center black hole
Andreas Eckart
Stars and singularities: stellar phenomena near a massive black hole
Tal Alexander
Black hole accretion models for the Galactic Center
Robert F. Coker
Radio and x-ray emission from the galactic black hole
Heino Falcke
Units and constants
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