High performance computing - HiPC 2002 : 9th International Conference, Bangalore, India, December 18-21, 2002 : proceedings


High performance computing - HiPC 2002 : 9th International Conference, Bangalore, India, December 18-21, 2002 : proceedings

Sartaj Sahni, Viktor K. Prasanna, Uday Shukla (eds.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 2552)

Springer, c2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Includes bibliographical references and index



To conclude, modi?ed design and implementation of a middleware, NICAN, to dynamically supply local network information to distributed scienti?c app- cations was presented. The application provides adaptive capabilities, is n- intrusive, ?exible, easy to use and extensible. The distributed scienti?c appli- tion can use this tool for information collection to its advantage without s- stantial code instrumentation. References [1] D.Andersen,D.Bansal,D.Curtis,S.Seshan,andH.Balakrishnan. Systems- portforbandwidthmanagementandcontentadaptationininternetapplications. In Proceedings of 4th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implemen- tion San Diego,CA.USENIXAssociation.:213-226,October2000. 555 [2] G.Chen.Providingdynamicnetworkinformationtodistributedapplications.May 2001. Computer Science Deparment, University of Minnesota Duluth. Master's Thesis. 559 [3] Xiaodong Fu, Weisong Shi, Anatoly Akkerman, and Vijay Karamcheti. Cans: Composable, adaptive network services infrastructure. In USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems (USITS),March2001. 555 [4] D.KulkarniandM.Sosonkina. Usingdynamicnetworkinformationtoimprove theruntimeperformanceofadistributedsparselinearsystemsolution.Technical ReportUMSI-2002-10,2002. 559 [5] DevdattaKulkarniandMashaSosonkina. Aframeworkforintegratingnetwork information intodistributediterative solution of sparse linearsystems. In P- ceedings of the 5th International Meeting of Vector and Parallel Processing, VEC- PAR'2002. 560 [6] Z.Li,Y.Saad,and M.Sosonkina. pARMS:Aparallel version of thealgebraic recursivemultilevelsolver. TechnicalReportUMSI-2001-100,MinnesotaSup- computerInstitute,UniversityofMinnesota,Minneapolis,MN,2001. 559 [7] B.Lowekamp,N.Miller,D.Sutherland,T.Gross,P.Steenkiste,andJ.Subhlok.


Keynote Address.- Info-Bio-Nano Interface: High-Performance Computing & Visualization.- Algorithms I.- 2-D Wavelet Transform Enhancement on General- Purpose Microprocessors: Memory Hierarchy and SIMD Parallelism Exploitation.- A General Data Layout for Distributed Consistency in Data Parallel Applications.- A Parallel DFA Minimization Algorithm.- Accelerating the CKY Parsing Using FPGAs.- Duplication-Based Scheduling Algorithm for Interconnection-Constrained Distributed Memory Machines.- Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions Using Tree Contraction: A Fast and Scalable Parallel Implementation for Symmetric Multiprocessors (SMPs).- Architecture I.- Dead-Block Elimination in Cache: A Mechanism to Reduce I-cache Power Consumption in High Performance Microprocessors.- Exploiting Web Document Structure to Improve Storage Management in Proxy Caches.- High Performance Multiprocessor Architecture Design Methodology for Application-Specific Embedded Systems.- LLM: A Low Latency Messaging Infrastructure for Linux Clusters.- Low-Power High-Performance Adaptive Computing Architectures for Multimedia Processing.- Keynote Address.- Field Programmable Systems.- Systems Software I.- CORBA-as-Needed: A Technique to Construct High Performance CORBA Applications.- Automatic Search for Performance Problems in Parallel and Distributed Programs by Using Multi-experiment Analysis.- An Adaptive Value-Based Scheduler and Its RT-Linux Implementation.- Effective Selection of Partition Sizes for Moldable Scheduling of Parallel Jobs.- Runtime Support for Multigrain and Multiparadigm Parallelism.- A Fully Compliant OpenMP Implementation on Software Distributed Shared Memory.- Networks.- A Fast Connection-Time Redirection Mechanism for Internet Application Scalability.- Algorithms for Switch-Scheduling in the Multimedia Router for LANs.- An Efficient Resource Sharing Scheme for Dependable Real-Time Communication in Multihop Networks.- Improving Web Server Performance by Network Aware Data Bu.ering and Caching.- WRAPS Scheduling and Its Efficient Implementation on Network Processors.- Performance Comparison of Pipelined Hash Joins on Workstation Clusters.- Keynote Address.- Computational Science and Engineering - Past, Present, and Future.- Algorithms II.- Iterative Algorithms on Heterogeneous Network Computing: Parallel Polynomial Root Extracting.- Efficient Tree-Based Multicast in Wormhole-Routed Networks.- Parallel Algorithms for Identification of Basis Polygons in an Image.- Range Image Segmentation on a Cluster.- Detection of Orthogonal Interval Relations.- An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Computing Bicompatible Elimination Ordering (BCO) of Proper Interval Graphs.- Mobile Computing and Databases.- Router Handoff: An Approach for Preemptive Route Repair in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.- A 2-D Random Walk Based Mobility Model for Location Tracking.- Data Placement in Intermittently Available Environments.- RT-MuPAC: Multi-power Architecture for Voice Cellular Networks.- Asynchronous Transaction Processing for Updates by Client: With Elimination of Wait-for State.- Active File Systems for Data Mining and Multimedia.- Applications.- Simulating DNA Computing.- Parallel Syntenic Alignments.- XS-systems: eXtended S-Systems and Algebraic Differential Automata for Modeling Cellular Behavior.- A High Performance Scheme for EEG Compression Using a Multichannel Model.- Scalability and Performance of Multi-threaded Algorithms for International Fare Construction on High-Performance Machines.- Systems Software II.- A Resource Brokering Infrastructure for Computational Grids.- On Improving Thread Migration: Safety and Performance.- Improved Preprocessing Methods for Modulo Scheduling Algorithms.- Dynamic Path Profile Aided Recompilation in a JAVA Just-In-Time Compiler.- Exploiting Data Value Prediction in Compiler Based Thread Formation.- Scientific Computation.- High Performance Computing of Fluid-Structure Interactions in Hydrodynamics Applications Using Unstructured Meshes with More than One Billion Elements.- An Efficient and Exponentially Accurate Parallel h-p Spectral Element Method for Elliptic Problems on Polygonal Domains - The Dirichlet Case.- Fast Stable Solver for Sequentially Semi-separable Linear Systems of Equations.- Dynamic Network Information Collection for Distributed Scientific Application Adaptation.- Adaptive Runtime Management of SAMR Applications.- Mobile Agents - The Right Vehicle for Distributed Sequential Computing.- Architecture II.- Using Dataflow Based Context for Accurate Branch Prediction.- Rehashable BTB: An Adaptive Branch Target Buffer to Improve the Target Predictability of Java Code.- Return-Address Prediction in Speculative Multithreaded Environments.- HLSpower: Hybrid Statistical Modeling of the Superscalar Power-Performance Design Space.- Efficient Decomposition Techniques for FPGAs.- Keynote Address.- Protocols for Bandwidth Management in Third Generation Optical Networks.- Embedded Systems.- Memory Architectures for Embedded Systems-On-Chip.- Structured Component Composition Frameworks for Embedded System Design.- Low Power Distributed Embedded Systems: Dynamic Voltage Scaling and Synthesis.- The Customization Landscape for Embedded Systems.- Keynote Address.- Parallel Computations of Electron-Molecule Collisions in Processing Plasmas.- Biocomputation.- Computing Challenges and Systems Biology.- Visual Programming for Modeling and Simulation of Biomolecular Regulatory Networks.- Framework for Open Source Software Development for Organ Simulation in the Digital Human.- Reachability Analysis of Delta-Notch Lateral Inhibition Using Predicate Abstraction.- A Symbolic Approach to Modeling Cellular Behavior.

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  • ISBN
    • 3540003037
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Berlin ; Tokyo
  • ページ数/冊数
    xxi, 735 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
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